June 2022

June 2022 Issue No 28

If you are not already a member of the Chocolate Works Residents’ Association (CWRA), please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is currently free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. At present we have 188 active members. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify which issues are of most concern to residents.

Work on the Co-op is due to commence on 1 August with planned opening on 30 September 2022. The car park adjacent to Hallmark House by the entrance to the new Co-op will close on 30 June to allow contractors access to the site.

Kristiaan Oughton has now moved on from Watson and our new contact there is Joe Langan. He has a huge amount of experience as he has managed the large Hungate Development in York city centre.

If you spot any reportable issues around the development, please contact https://watsonpm.fixflo.com.

David Wilson Homes (DWH) are still completing works to the side and rear of Thistle House. The boundary still requires overhanging trees to be cut back and the dead laurel hedge under the fir trees replaced by a post and rail knee-high fence.

CWRA has drawn up a detailed maintenance schedule which includes the cutting of all grass each week in the growing season. The rest of the development has been split into six sectors with a clear to-do list for each sector overseen by Watson and ourselves, to ensure a continuous improvement in all areas.

Watson included additional resource for landscaping in this year’s management fee and this is now in place so we hope to start seeing a big difference.

Concern has been raised about the speed of traffic around the development, specifically on Robert Street which is a Home Zone area without pavements.

We have requested Home Zone signage to be erected by DWH, but unless York City Council requires it for adoption, they will not supply. Please therefore carefully watch your children as it is very easy for them to step into the road from Bayldon Square, or from one of the house drives. We are currently working with Watson to try and obtain Home Zone signage to include a lower speed limit.

If you are a dog owner, please act considerately keeping your dog on a lead, cleaning up any mess whilst walking on the private land on both the Chocolate Works and the Residence.

Lease breaches
We have received a number of complaints from concerned residents that waste bins are not being stored out of sight from the front elevation of the property. In addition, clothes are being dried on balconies, plus BBQs and patio heaters have all been reported as being located on balconies, which clearly contravene the TP1 contracts.

Watson is now vigorously checking these breaches and will be sending letters to properties, which if not heeded will result in further letters and administration fees.

York Race Course
A number of residents have emailed to say how much they enjoyed the Race Day and the Queen Tribute band. It was very generous of the Racecourse to offer us entry badges and we continue to develop our relationship with this our close neighbour, and hope to be offered future opportunities to enjoy their hospitality.

We also have a meeting with them this month to discuss the issues we experience during race days and possible solutions.

Bay Sentry appears to be doing an excellent job in patrolling the development. However there are still issues reported by residents which include other residents still parking in Visitor spaces. Please park only in your own Resident space.

Roof channels
Watson plans to carry out the work to clear the roof channels and report any obvious issues as soon as possible. However work will commence only when all management fees have been collected from residents.

Please respect your neighbours and be aware they may be working from home, noise can be a real issue. Also, please keep the place tidy as we do not wish to pay additional maintenance fees for clearing stones around the Chocolate Orange or cleaning blocked pavements.

The Residence
Now the development has opened through to the Residence, we are holding monthly meetings with their Directors to keep each other updated and to bring us all together. We plan to have a joint event in the late summer where all residents can meet and socialise.

Entrance Pillars – Adoption
DWH have informed us that the brick Chocolate Works entrance pillars are all being removed as they are located in land that will transfer to City of York Council on the adoption of the development. The Council has made it perfectly clear that it will not adopt the development with these pillars in place. The same comment also applies to the landscaping along Clock Tower Way which, except for the trees, will all be removed and replaced with grass.

We are trying to establish why the Council is taking this stance and have requested a development plan which clearly shows the land to be adopted by the Council, as our understanding is the verges alongside Clock Tower Way are shared land.