February 2023

February 2023 Issue No 33

If you are not already a member of the Chocolate Works Residents’ Association (CWRA), please go to www.cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is currently free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. At present we have over 200 active members. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify which issues are of most concern to residents.



We would like to remind you that Watson and The Chocolate Works Residents’ Association will be holding their joint AGM on Wednesday 15 February at 7pm in St Chads Church Hall, Campleshon Road.
This is an open meeting and all residents are welcome to attend.


The Liquor Store

The latest update we have from the owner is that he is hoping to open around Easter.


Traffic works which will affect this part of York throughout 2023

Tadcaster Road

The roadworks on Tadcaster Road are difficult to miss at the moment. These are scheduled to continue throughout the year until September 2023. Most of the works are planned to occur between 9am–5pm and will be stopped on race days to avoid creating additional problems.
For more details see www.york.gov.uk/TadcasterRoad

York Station Gateway

A major redevelopment of York Station will also take place this year. The removal of Queen Street Bridge will necessitate a short term re-routing down the slip road leading to The Railway Institute and through the Railway Station.
At an open meeting with Micklegate Ward Councillors, it was announced that this work will be delayed so no starting date is known yet. However, it is expected to start this spring.

For more details go to see www.york.gov.uk/StationFront
