September/October 2023

September/October 2023 Issue No 36

If you are not already a member of the Chocolate Works Residents’ Association (CWRA), please go to and click on Join Us. It is currently free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. At present we have over 230 active members. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify which issues are of most concern to residents.


We are still liaising with Watson on the performance of the new landscapers as they are not fulfilling the agreed specification.

During the next few weeks the area behind Thistle House will have the builder’s rubble removed, levelled and then turfed. It has now been agreed to erect a 1800mm chain link fence along the boundary between the old wall and the end of the laurel hedging. However as an interim measure, a temporary fence will be erected across the gap where the old gates used to be, to prevent access up the bank rather than by the steps from Bishopthorpe Road.

In addition, once the builder’s temporary buildings have been removed (prior to December 2023) the triangle of land where they are currently located will be landscaped along with the narrow strip around the Care Home wall.

A pyracanthus hedge is planned for the inside of the perimeter treeline behind Medallion, Harlequin and Thistle Houses. Also the wooden benches between Carousel and Medallion Houses are to be repaired and varnished during the next few weeks.


Autumn Planting
Quotes are being obtained from local landscapers to begin the planned improvements starting with the planting scheme on Bayldon Square, the Co-op car park and the area around Carousel House.

In addition, and in consultation with David Wilson Homes (DWH), we have met with Watson to highlight the trees which have died around the development. A site meeting is planned with DWH to agree the replacement of these trees this year, including those on Bayldon Square.

The laurel hedge down the steps to Bishopthorpe Road will also be made good with an additional row alongside the row that has already been planted.


Adoption and Home Zone
We met at the Council Offices with DWH and York City Council Planning/Highways to discuss a list of non-conformity issues prior to adoption by the City Council. Issues raised include clarification on the Home Zone/Shared Space principles including street lighting, signage, planting, safety and surface finishes.

We learnt that DWH hopes to finalise all snagging prior to Christmas 2023 to then allow for a twelve month maintenance period prior to adoption by the Council. Agreeing the correct approved plan has proved difficult and DWH are going to formally issue for comment an amalgamated master plan derived from the various iterations already approved.

In addition DWH will commission an ‘as built’ survey of the highways and materials which will form the basis of the discussion with the Council on the matter of traffic calming measures including the narrowing of the southern entrance of Robert Street to match that already created at the northern end, plus applying for a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to officially install 20mph signs.

Planning for the undercroft gates was also raised, as we are still awaiting a final decision. However, subsequently the Council has approved DWH’s planning application to omit these gates, therefore only the gates already installed on Clock Tower Way will remain. We are currently investigating if this decision can be reviewed.

DWH confirmed the bollards to be placed at the southern end of Robert Street and also Clock Tower Way have been ordered and are due to be installed by their contractors.

The shrub planting on the entrance verges on Clock Tower Way/Joseph Terry Grove is to be removed and replaced with grass to retain uniformity throughout the development. It will also be easier and less costly to maintain.


We have highlighted our disappointment to Watson that the traffic cones and additional patrolling on race days have not been consistent. When in place they make a huge difference and we are seeking assurances they will be in place on future race days.

Those who took advantage of the half price race tickets on the Family Race day were rewarded by excellent weather and a really enjoyable family day out. Please take advantage of the next half price offer on 23 September, by contacting 01904 620911 and speaking to Karen in the Bookings Office.


Prior to adoption of the roads, visitor spaces will be denoted by a white painted ‘V’ and residents’ plaques replaced with robust plaques. Also, disabled spaces will be clearly marked. Double yellow lines will be introduced to control on-street parking.

The Council agreed to review the planning for the granted electric charging spaces at Orange House as it could form part of subsequent planning enforcement notice.

The Council also made it clear that their policy is not to allow car charging leads to cross adopted space such as pavements. Details can be found on the Council website It states

EV charging cables trailing across the public highway are prohibited. Charging your vehicle on the street by trailing a cable across the pavement, including the use of a cable protector or cable ramp is not-permitted.

We don’t permit any cable to be placed across the public highway (including pavement). This is because it represents a health and safety hazard, and an obstacle to the safe use of the highway by the visually and/or mobility impaired, or other affected user groups.

Under the Highways Act 1980 action may be taken to remove cables that are deemed unsuitable or unsafe. This method of on-street EV charging is therefore not considered a suitable approach for residents without off-street parking provision to charge their EV.

Incidentally, six new vehicle charging points have been installed directly behind the racecourse main entrance at the end of Racecourse Road.


Chocolate Orange sculpture
DWH has agreed to review and make any necessary repairs to the sculpture as the block paving is failing, the brick walls need pointing and the sculpture itself is corroding with gaps around the edge of the slated area.


Roof Cleaning
Watson have confirmed the cleaning of the roof channels will commence in September/October with photographs being taken of possible ongoing roof issues. We have requested these are clearly marked for each property for ease of identification. Should there be an issue, please contact Barratt Yorkshire East as roofs are covered by a 10-year warranty.


Planning Permission
Please note planning permission is required on the development for any change to the buildings, boundaries or change of use. These include the following:

  • extending your home by constructing an extension or a dormer window
  • putting up a garage
  • putting up a boundary fence or wall
  • extending your garden onto adjacent land
  • using your home or a property you own as a short term let or holiday home
  • using your home for business purposes
  • erecting outbuildings or garden structures, such as a summer house, shed or home office.


If you have the time and interest in improving our development, please contact the chair at as we would welcome new members. Currently we are looking for a Secretary.