March 2020 Update
- Watson’s have confirmed they wish to complete the planting on Bayldon Square with plants ordered, with a £500 contribution from DWH. It just awaits better weather.
- The trees on Bayldon Square are to be replaced by DWH landscapers in the spring.
- A light above the defibrillator has been agreed by DWH and awaits installation.
- We are liaising with Watson’s on the poor condition of landscaping being handed over to them by DWH.
- We have brought Watson’s attention to breaches in leases around the development to include washing being dried on balconies, BBQs on balconies, cycles being left out in gardens and For Sale notices being displayed.
- We are keeping on top of DWH and Watson’s on estate snagging including the replacement of dead planting, paint spillages, loose block work in parking areas and collection of rubbish.
- We have been requested by Watson’s to review the need for a concierge.
- Watson’s are consulting with us on the specification and scope of works for maintenance for the period 2020/21. This will directly affect our Management fee.
- We are arranging meetings with all parties to agree the best way to take forward the adoption of the roads by the City Council and to ensure all residents have their input.
November 2019 Update
DWH sub-contractor is now working on the area behind Devon House and Carousel House. They are
- clearing the undergrowth
- removing ivy off choked trees and removing any dead trees
- providing the results of a tree survey and the condition of the trees to Watson, which will then be available to us
- planning to plant 59 further trees in the area.
DWH will also provide street lighting in the car park area as soon as their sub-contractor can commence the work. (3/12/19 – This has now been completed). Likewise, their sub-contractor will soon add the extra ‘V’ for a permanent Visitor parking space opposite the other two existing permanent spaces.
Once this work is completed, they expect to remove the hoardings from Campleshon Road round to the steps leading to Bishopthorpe Road with a view to opening up pedestrian access.
The bin store at Devon House was discussed –
- The council instruct operatives not to move rubbish from the floor or overflowing bins. Hence occasionally the bins have not been emptied. It is clearly in residents’ own interest to keep the area tidy.
- The store is shared by Devon House and Carousel House. David Wilson Homes legal team are finding a set of words to satisfy Yorkshire Housing Association about this and to ensure continued permanent access for Carousel House residents.
- DWH will clean the paint spill outside Devon House and Carousel House
- They will plant an area on Joseph Terry Grove next to an individual parking space which has been missed
- DWH have been asked to report back to sub-contractors to fix the flower beds outside Devon, Carousel, and elsewhere which are overflowing with bark spilling onto the road, because the planting was too high.
- DWH have been asked to review the screening for the substation at the Devon House side. They will investigate but this could prove problematic due to covenants protecting the sub-station.
- We have asked for fencing around the perimeter of Campleshon Road (when the hoardings are removed) as we highlighted this as a potential issue for security. There was a lack of enthusiasm for the idea, not least because of the potential cost.
DWH will go back to their gardener about the trees on Bayldon Square and get them replaced. Additional planting on Bayldon Square is booked to commence in February 2020.
We expressed concerns about heavy plant using Robert Street. DWH have a very clear traffic management plan which diverts traffic down Joseph Terry Grove whenever possible. However, occasionally it has proven necessary to use Robert Street and Clock Tower Way when they have been pulling services across Joseph Terry Grove to Blocks E & F.
DWH plan to commence piling works for the remaining houses near the Clock Tower before they break for Christmas on 20th December. This will use a drilled rather than a driven pile which should reduce noise. However, there will be increased traffic disruption.
August 2019 Update
Following a series of meetings with the site maintenance surveyor, and a Director of Watson in their Leeds office we are able to confirm the following:
- Watson are going to install height restriction notices over the tunnels to car parks
- Watson will replace the dead trees in Bayldon Square with Cherry trees in November, and will replace the light in the grassed area of Bayldon Square as soon as possible.
- Watson state that one of their responsibilities is to manage nuisance e.g. noise, parties until late, using properties as AirBnB’s, ball games etc. So please contact Watson’s if you have an issue with these.
- If you see plants, shrubs or trees that have died in new planting areas please contact David Wilson Homes. This is considered a “snagging” issue and the responsibility for replacement lies with DWH in the first two years.
Other Estate Management news:
- Car Parking has been taken on as part of Estate Management
- We are currently seeking willing and active volunteers to assist with all areas of Estate Management. Please get in touch if you can help:
July 2019 Update
- The new noticeboard for use by the CWRA has been installed at the back of the Sales Office.
- We have been informed that the additional funnels currently on top of the penthouses are only temporary and will be removed.
- A total of 41 apartments were given keys in June.
- Piling for the new homes on Robert Street is due to commence shortly.
- The large piles of rubble in front of Robert Street have been removed. We have also requested for Considerate Construction to walk the site to highlight any issues.
June 2019 Update
- Steve has taken on this responsibility with no sub-committee members, although will be recruiting in the next few weeks.
- Arranged and met with Watson’s Management Company to scope out the areas of responsibilities they have for the maintenance of the development.
- Discussed the frequency of maintenance and the quality of work we would like to see on the development.
- Currently waiting for the planting plan from DWH to ensure the initial planting is as specified.
- Agreeing additional planting where appropriate in Bayldon Square and the replacement of dead trees and plants. Watson are currently considering tenders for sympathetic planting to mirror the Chocolate Orange shrub/flower bed on the other side of the central path on Bayldon Square.
- Raised residents issues on early morning noise and contractors traffic throughout the development, which has resulted in the new large signage to the entrance of Clock Tower Way and DWH in adopting new procedures to reduce traffic movement and early morning works.
- Liaising with DWH to install a Residents noticeboard and defibrillator at the side of the sales office, next to the proposed concierge office.
- DWH has agreed to open-up the walkway behind the care home, to give access between Robert Street and The Residence as soon as it is totally safe to do so.
- New signs to help prevent dog fouling are to be positioned around the development.