April 2021 Issue No 17
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk
If you are not already a member of the Residents’ Association, please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. We are delighted to say that we have 119 active members currently. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify what issues are of most concern to residents.
In this edition
- Licensing for the Co-op
- Interested in joining the Committee?
Licensing for the Co-op
Notices have appeared on the pillars outside the Sales Office regarding the Co-op’s application for a licence to sell alcohol 06.00-23.00, 7 days a week. We are drawing your attention to this because, as residents, you may have a view on the desirability or otherwise of those hours.
Also, some people may wish for the sale of alcohol to be restricted on race days. Previously, a restriction has been in place throughout South Bank prohibiting shops and off-licences from selling alcohol before 7pm on race days, in an attempt to minimise post-race anti-social behaviour.
Please note that if you wish to raise an objection, it must be submitted in writing before 29th April 2021.
Licensing Act 2003
Notice of application for a New Premises Licence
Name of applicant: Co-operative Group Food Limited
Address of Premises: Co-op, Ground Floor, Hallmark House, The Chocolate Works, Campleshon Road, York YO23 1PX
The licensable activity is the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises between Monday-Sunday 06:00-23.00. Conditions will apply.
Anyone wishing to make a representation to this application may do so by 29 April 2021.
A record of the application made to the Licensing Authority will be kept on a register at the address given below and the register may be inspected during opening hours.
All representations regarding this application MUST BE IN WRITING and sent to
Licensing Services
York City Council
Hazel Court Eco Depot
James Street
York YO10 3DS
Or www.york.gov.uk
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and is punishable by a fine of any amount on summary conviction for the offence.
Interested in joining the Committee?
In the 2½ years since the CWRA was set up we have had nineteen different members of the Committee. The work is voluntary and people have opted in and out for varying reasons, often as personal priorities change. We currently have a Committee of nine members which feels about the right size. However, one or two serving members are looking to leave the Committee this year due to house moves and commitment to other projects.
If you feel you have something to offer and would like to become involved please get in touch at admin@cwra.co.uk. We can then arrange a suitably socially distanced informal chat about potential roles.