July 2022 Issue No 29
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk
If you are not already a member of the Chocolate Works Residents’ Association (CWRA), please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is currently free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. At present we have 188 active members. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify which issues are of most concern to residents.
We have been advised that work on the new Co-op store will not now commence on 1st August with no new date given. We are trying to establish the reason(s) for this additional delay and to obtain a revised date.
Thank you to all residents who commented on the planning application which included 17 signs including a large illuminated 4m high panel sign located on Campleshon Road.
David Wilson Homes (DWH) have yet to hand over the areas behind and to the side of Thistle House. In addition there are still a number of trees to be planted around the development.
The initial six sectors of landscaping have now been completed and we continue to monitor the landscapers on a weekly basis to ensure there is continual improvement, despite the extremes of weather we are experiencing.
Watson have met with DWH and have been advised all verges are likely to be adopted by York City Council with shrubs removed, leaving only trees and grass.
We are currently composing a letter to be sent to York City Planning Department to highlight residents’ concerns over the adoption of the development. Communication between DWH, York City Council and the residents is essential to ensure all solutions are considered when deciding on the future of parking, landscaping, traffic flow and maintenance.
Roof Channels
The clearing of debris in the gutters and roof grids has now been completed on all houses in the development. Reports from residents have been very positive as much debris was removed and all channels swept to ensure water flow is not interrupted.
The contractors also noticed a number of defects in the channels and have forwarded their report with photos to Watson who will contact the households in the blocks affected. We are considering how to take this forward as a Residents’ Association. However, we suggest that individual householders of affected properties each submit a report to Yorkshire East (yorkshireeast@newhomecare.co.uk) with a request that they fix the defects once and for all. There is, after all, a ten year guarantee on the roofing and a large number of requests should maximise the impact.
Although the clearing of debris is planned for alternate years, a number of residents have requested it be changed to annually, as they have commented it is very little to pay should it prevent the ingress of water in the future.
Apartment windows
A couple of instances have been reported where windows have been damaged in apartments, possibly due to the extreme heat. If you have had similar instances please forward details to CWRA.
York Racecourse
During a meeting held at York Racecourse we requested a temporary toilet be located on race days on Campleshon Road, between Clock Tower Way and the junction of Bishopthorpe Road in an attempt to prevent the development and its boundary being used as a loo.
Police are also implementing additional patrols along Campleshon Road to help prevent anti-social behaviour.
Liquor Store
Work is being completed on the building next to the Clock Tower to provide for an architects practice on the top floor, a dental practice to the first floor. On the lower floor and outside area, there will be a smart café trading through the day becoming a wine bar in the evening.
DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
We are pleased to announce the residents of the Chocolate Works raised £1,645 during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. A letter has been received from the charity and reads as follows,
“Thank you for donating to the DEC’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, the DEC charities and their local partners are able to provide vital relief to people in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries. Your support is helping us meet the needs of refugees and displaced people by providing food, water, health assistance and trauma care.”
We are continually chasing DWH for responses on various issues including:
- When will Joseph Terry Grove finally be completed.
- When will all visitor parking spaces be identified with a painted ‘V’.
- When will the landscaping be completed throughout the development.
- When will promised signage be provided on apartment blocks where the names cannot be seen from the road.
Apartments Fire Marshalls
Currently, we have volunteers trained in dealing with spurious fire alarms in all apartment blocks except Neapolitan and Hallmark Houses. Please forward your details if you wish to assist in these two blocks either by filling in the Contact Us form on the website, or by sending an email to chair@cwra.co.uk.