July 2019

July 2019, Issue No. 5    Email: chocworksra@gmail.com

Welcome to The Chocolate Works!

41 sets of keys were given out in June for residents of Devon House and Carousel House.  A very warm welcome to all new residents and we hope that you settle in well.

Project Group News

  • Our new noticeboard is now in place, and active, on the side of Hallmark House (facing Neapolitan House)
  • We now have double-yellow lines on the Campleshon Road – Clock Tower Way junction,  making a left turn out much safer.
  • Our request for a Zebra Crossing  on Bishopthorpe Road was turned down, even though there have been a number of similar requests over recent years. We will consider repeating the request in 1 months time.
  • David Wilson Homes have removed the piles of rubble from the central compound at our request. We have also requested for Considerate Construction to walk the site to highlight any issues.
  • We have made a request for maintenance of the noisy vents on Hallmark House.
  • We are also asking for a noise assessment for the sub-station on Campleshon Road.
  • Piling for the new homes on Robert Street is due to commence shortly.
  • A brief summary of the highlights of our snagging survey carried out earlier in the year has been published on our website: Snagging Survey

Just a reminder that permission has been granted by York Racecourse to park cars all day in car park A, off Knavesmire Road, during race-day meetings. Simply display your red 2 hour parking permit in your windscreen to gain access.

The Racecourse’s application to remove the poplar trees opposite Cocoa House has been rejected. Instead, six of the trees have been identified as unsafe and will be removed. These will be replaced.

CWRA Events

For those of you going to the Afternoon Tea Party on 10th August, we hope you have a great time. There are a couple of tickets still available for this event so if you’d like to join please see our Events page for full details. Looking ahead to the next event…..and all that jazz!

Jazz Night on The Square – 14th September, 7pm

Please join us for what promises to be a fun live music event.  The suggested donation per adult is  £1.50 – Children under 13 yrs are free.  Please purchase tickets in advance: Drop your name, address and monies into 14 Bayldon Sq or text / phone Clare to arrange pick up and drop off on 07931 179181. 

  • Please bring your own chairs/pic-nic blankets and/or table.  Umbrellas and gazebos also welcome. Please set up before 7pm to guarantee a good spot!
  • Bring your own food and drink for the evening and please bring rubbish bags to take away all rubbish with you.
  • Music commences at 7.30 pm sharp and finishes at 10.30 pm. Please vacate the square and clear away by 11pm. Thank you.
  • Raffle tickets costing £1 will be sold on the night.
  • All proceeds go to The CWRA for costs incurred and projects in the pipeline.

We wish to thank the residents of Bayldon Square for their unanimous support for this event.  We ask you to please be respectful of adjacent residents at all times. 

Social Groups

New* Monthly Coffee Morning

We are excited that another social group is starting up!  The coffee mornings are to be held on the first Wednesday of every month at St Chad’s Church Hall – just across the road.  The first one will be held on Wednesday 7th August, from 10 am. It’s open to everyone, there’s no limit on numbers and kids are welcome too. Just come along and catch up with your fellow Chocolate Works Residents. Coffee, cake and conversation – enjoy! A big thank you to Nicole for co-ordinating this.

Coming Soon

Nic’s Curry Night

To be held once a month – first one will be in October. Stay posted for more details nearer the time.

Please see website for full details of all groups on The Chocolate Works:  Social Groups

Website Updates

We have 2 new pages on the website as part of our Residents Hub section: 1) Local Amenities – everything from pubs and community venues in the area to our nearby convenience shops. This area of the website will grow so this is just to get us started. 2) Useful Contacts Directory – information such as how to get in touch with DWH customer care, Watsons (managing agent) etc – all in one place 🙂  Please let us know if we’ve missed anything.


If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome.

Books About Terry’s & Bishy Road

If you want to find out a little bit more about where we are living, the following locally published books may be of interest (available at some Bishy Road shops and Waterstones).

Van Wilson  (2017) The Story of Terry’s York – York Oral History Society. Excellent history of Terry’s up to, and including, a chapter on David Wilson Homes,  The Residence, The Care Village and The Clock Tower. Contains a vast number of photos plus a CD of interviews of ex-workers.

Susan Major (2018) Bishy Road – A York shopping street in time (Clement’s Hall History Group). A history of the shops of Bishopthorpe Road. The history of each individual shop is explored. Also, has many, many photos.

Clement’s Hall History Group provides more details of what the History Group is currently doing. Bishy Road provides up to date information about the area.

What’s Going On – Wider Community

Van Gogh Immersive Experience: this cutting-edge attraction is making its British debut in York – Britain’s first UNESCO City of Media Arts! Meet the artist like never before with a 360 degree digital art experience. On show until January 5 2020. York St Mary’s, Castlegate

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER. Please remember to subscribe on our website homepage (below Events section) to automatically receive future newsletters by email.  Next issue due last week of August.

CWRA Website

Contact Us

June 2019

June 2019, Issue No. 4        Email: chocworksra@gmail.com

Fayre on the Square

Resounding success of the first Fayre on the Square which took place on 8th June 2019

There was a very gratifying turnout of residents to support The Chocolate Works Residents Association and Friends of Knavesmire School (who also had a stall, which included very popular face painting) in spite it being a miserable damp, cold day, and competing attractions which included York Pride & Gareth Gates. Attractions included Paul’s barbecued lamb; Simon’s burgers; Pete’s Posh Porkers; Pimms, & Pierre’s 14 litres of Sangria ably served by Liz, Julia & Hilary; Lucy & Andrea’s Craft stall; Cake stall; a silent auction; and a plentiful supply of lagers and craft beers for a nominal donation.

All of the above was available while The Renames played an uninterrupted set under the archway. Arguably, their version of Maggie May surpassed the version performed by a more illustrious (& expensive) performer the week before at the Racecourse 😉 Thanks are due to many, many people. But it would be rude not to give a big mention to Clare for getting the whole thing off the ground, in a very short time, and to Nicole for organising the excellent band (who really helped create a vibrant atmosphere.) Also, thanks to the residents of Bayldon Square for agreeing to host the event. The end product was that a profit of over £540 was made for the Residents Association, plus over £30 for The Friends of Knavesmire School. We hope to build on this success and make it an annual event. To see some photos of this event please take a look at our Photo Gallery 

Good News!

David Wilson Homes have shelved plans to build Block L. This area, facing the top of Robert Street, will revert to the original plan of houses.

Project Group News

  • Watson are currently considering tenders for sympathetic planting to mirror the Chocolate Orange shrub/flower bed on the other side of the central path on Bayldon Square.  In addition, Watson’s are to replace the dead trees in Bayldon Square.
  • DWH has agreed to open-up the walkway behind the care home, to give access between Robert Street and The Residence as soon as it is totally safe to do so.
  • The new noticeboard to help keep us all updated is going to be installed on the wall next door to the concierge office (behind the sales office).  It is also planned to locate the defibrillator in the same location (we are just awaiting final funding). 
  • New signs to help prevent dog fouling are to be positioned around the development.
  • Request for a Zebra Crossing on Bishopthorpe Road, opposite the pedestrian access point to Joseph Terry Grove, has been sent.

Please Note:

  • Residents and their visitors are reminded that parking cars on the roads is prohibited and will result in £100 fines. CPM have started parking enforcement so  all vehicles must display the correct permit and be parked in either a visitors or residents parking space.
  • Permission has been granted by York Racecourse to park cars all day in car park ‘A’ off the Knavesmire Road during race-day meetings. Simply display your red 2 hour parking permit in your windscreen to gain access.
  • The Committee, residents and other interested parties (including Goddard House and the Racecourse) continue to oppose Blocks K and M. If you feel strongly, please go to York City Council’s Planning Portal to register your objections to 18/02329/FULM (Block M) and 18/01939/FULM (Block K).

For further information about the current individual Project Groups run by our committee members please see our Project Groups page.

CWRA Events

Forthcoming events: Afternoon Tea, 10th August (a few tickets still available) & Jazz Night, 14th September 2019.  Save the dates! Please see our Events page for full details.

Social Groups

Did you know there are several social groups run by residents at The Chocolate Works?  For more information please see the Social Groups page.

CWRA Committee Role Changes

  • Many thanks to Nicole Bruhaux who was instrumental in setting up the Residents Association in October last year and who has just stepped down from the role of Chair of the Committee after 8 months.
  • Terry Wilson was voted in as Chair of the Committee at the last meeting.
  • Mafalda Queiroz was voted in as Treasurer of the Committee at the last meeting.


If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome!

What’s Going On – Wider Community


The Great Yorkshire Fringe: York’s well known thoroughfare will be transformed into a vibrant and exciting central festival hub, 18-28 July

York National Award Winning Restaurants:  It’s official! Three York restaurants named among the Top 100 in the UK – small plates specialist Skosh, French-British bistro Le Cochon Aveugle, and Tommy Banks’ Roots. Read details in YorkMix

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER. Please remember to subscribe on the newsletter sidebar or on our website homepage (below Events section) to automatically receive future newsletters by email.  Next issue due last week of July.


Contact Us

May 2019

May 2019 – Issue 3

The focus of this month’s Newsletter is to promote the social events that The CWRA has arranged for all living in The Chocolate Works (family and friends welcome too)!


A fun family event to take place on Bayldon Square

Live Band / Cake Stall / Pimms Stand / BBQ Stall / Silent Auction / Children’s games

We NEED contributions, prizes & pledges PLEASE, for the bottle & cake stalls, unwanted presents/second-hand quality items for the silent auction.

Please contact Clare at chocworksra@gmail.com for offers of help, to run another stall, loan a pasting table etc.


This event is currently for residents of The Chocolate Works only. Tickets: £10 adult/£5 child (5 – 10 yrs, under 5’s free)

To include full home baked afternoon tea and raffle ticket.

Bring your own alcohol & soft drinks if desired (and glass!)

Please book early to avoid disappointment, tickets limited.

Contact Bridget or Julie at chocworksra@gmail.com


September 14th at 7 pm – Jazz Night on the square. More information nearer the time – watch this space!

All Proceeds go to the CWRA running costs and projects.

The CWRA wishes to thank in advance all residents living on and adjacent to Bayldon Square for unanimously agreeing to events taking place in front of their homes.