April 2021

April 2021 Issue No 17
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk

If you are not already a member of the Residents’ Association, please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. We are delighted to say that we have 119 active members currently. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify what issues are of most concern to residents.

In this edition

  1. Licensing for the Co-op
  2. Interested in joining the Committee?


Licensing for the Co-op

Notices have appeared on the pillars outside the Sales Office regarding the Co-op’s application for a licence to sell alcohol 06.00-23.00, 7 days a week. We are drawing your attention to this because, as residents, you may have a view on the desirability or otherwise of those hours.

Also, some people may wish for the sale of alcohol to be restricted on race days. Previously, a restriction has been in place throughout South Bank prohibiting shops and off-licences from selling alcohol before 7pm on race days, in an attempt to minimise post-race anti-social behaviour.

Please note that if you wish to raise an objection, it must be submitted in writing before 29th April 2021.

Licensing Act 2003
Notice of application for a New Premises Licence
Name of applicant: Co-operative Group Food Limited
Address of Premises: Co-op, Ground Floor, Hallmark House, The Chocolate Works, Campleshon Road, York YO23 1PX

The licensable activity is the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises between Monday-Sunday 06:00-23.00. Conditions will apply.

Anyone wishing to make a representation to this application may do so by 29 April 2021.

A record of the application made to the Licensing Authority will be kept on a register at the address given below and the register may be inspected during opening hours.

All representations regarding this application MUST BE IN WRITING and sent to

Licensing Services
York City Council
Hazel Court Eco Depot
James Street
York YO10 3DS
Or www.york.gov.uk

It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and is punishable by a fine of any amount on summary conviction for the offence.



Interested in joining the Committee?

In the 2½ years since the CWRA was set up we have had nineteen different members of the Committee. The work is voluntary and people have opted in and out for varying reasons, often as personal priorities change. We currently have a Committee of nine members which feels about the right size. However, one or two serving members are looking to leave the Committee this year due to house moves and commitment to other projects.

If you feel you have something to offer and would like to become involved please get in touch at admin@cwra.co.uk. We can then arrange a suitably socially distanced informal chat about potential roles.


March 2021

March 2021 Issue No 16
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk

If you are not already a member of the Residents’ Association, please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is free and guarantees you get our Newsletters.


In this edition

  1. Current membership numbers
  2. Invitation to join the Committee
  3. Contractor noise and disturbance
  4. Joseph Terry Grove works & impact on Robert Street
  5. OFNL – TV outage update
  6. Roofs/Gutters (1) – Maintenance
  7. Roofs/Gutters (2) – Current problems
  8. Autosec replaced by Baysentry
  9. Carousel House
  10. Co-op Planning Application
  11. Bishopthorpe Road Crossing Point Improvement
  12. Flood Defence Works – Skeldergate Bridge – Rowntree Park


Membership of the Chocolate Works Residents Association

We are delighted to say that we have 119 active members currently. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify what issues are of most concern to residents.


Interested in joining the Committee?

In the 2½ years since the CWRA was set up we have had nineteen different members of the Committee. The work is voluntary and people have opted in and out for varying reasons, often as personal priorities change. We currently have a Committee of nine members which feels about the right size. However, one or two serving members are looking to leave the Committee this year due to house moves and commitment to other projects.

If you feel you have something to offer and would like to become involved please get in touch at admin@cwra.co.uk. Then we can arrange a suitably socially distanced informal chat about potential roles.


Contractor noise/early working

We have received a handful of complaints about early morning noise, and delivery vehicles being queued on Clock Tower Way. David Wilson Homes acknowledges that they are “pushing the boundaries” in their desire to complete work by the end of this year – a deadline which is looking optimistic. They have gained permission to work on weekends and stay later. However, workers should start no earlier than 8am.
If you experience disturbance from unnecessarily early starts, do not hesitate to contact in the first instance Ian Wormwell, Project Manager for David Wilson Homes, ianwormwell@barratthomes.co.uk

Or, for persistent offences – Andy Blain, Enforcement Officer City of York Council, andy.blain@york.gov.uk


Joseph Terry Grove remedial works

Work has begun on Joseph Terry Grove which includes replacing damaged kerbs and should include resurfacing up to Berry Mews. We have been advised that this will require reducing the width of the road. Consequently lorries will be unable to pass and maybe re-routed down Robert Street as a temporary measure for two weeks.


TV outage 5th-8th February

All TV signals were lost on the development on Friday 5th February and not replaced until late on Monday 8th February. A number of residents complained to the cable company OFNL and then complained to us and to Watson about the unacceptable delay in restoring the signal.

We have been in discussion with both Watson and David Wilson Homes to identify how the service is managed, and who is accountable when the service is poor. Quite simply, David Wilson Homes sub-contracted a company called GTC to install all utilities on the development – gas, electricity, broadband, TV etc.

GTC installs the services and OFNL operates them (they are both part of the same parent company). There is no service charge, and no contract with residents, Watson, or David Wilson Homes. Therefore, we have no redress with the developer or our managing agent. If we are unhappy with the quality of the service we can only follow OFNL’s complaints procedure.

We strongly recommend that, in the event of similar outage in the future, residents ask for an engineer to come, but make formal complaints to OFNL in the event of slow or unacceptable service www.ofnl.co.uk


Roofs/Gutters (1) – Maintenance

A few months ago we circulated a letter (via Watson) asking whether you would be interested in having your gutters cleaned/maintained on an annual basis. We had 69 responses (68 saying they were in favour, and one deferring interest until next year as they had only recently moved in). While all of these responses were encouraging they only amount to 70% (approx) of houses. This precluded us effectively organising and paying for the work at the original price. The alternative was to negotiate a price per property and a price per block, which immediately pushed up the cost.

We have gone back to Watson, who initially expressed caution about getting involved. We are pleased to report that they are now actively exploring whether they can take on the contract as originally negotiated, meaning that they would organise it and ensure the work is undertaken properly.

This MAY involve a small increase in the service charges to houses, but the details about frequency (annual or bi-annual) and cost have yet to be ironed out.


Roofs/Gutters (2) – Problems

We also sent out a request for feedback on whether people had experienced problems with their gutters, and what the response of David Wilson Homes has been. The issue has been on our radar since November 2019, when it was raised by a concerned resident. It has been raised at each of our quarterly meetings with the Managing Director of David Wilson Homes, who has courteously checked with YorkshireEast, had a drone survey done, and concluded that there is no development wide problem.

The individuals who responded to our survey have received an email detailing the results of it. Our survey showed that householders have experienced a range of problems with gutters, balconies, fall pipes and water ingress. However, the biggest issue has been cracks to the fibreglass gutter leading to leaks into the top bedroom (in at least TWELVE properties).

We have presented the information (anonymised) to the Managing Director of David Wilson Homes at our quarterly video call meeting and he is taking the information to a meeting with his Technical Director and team. He will get back to us and we do not want to second guess the outcome of his deliberations. However, we will pursue every reasonable avenue to gain assurances that the fibreglass panels are fit for purpose and have been fitted correctly.


Autosec Car Parking Patrols

We have just heard that Autosec has sold the business to Baysentry www.baysentry.com

There is no change to the rules and regulations regarding parking, and telephone calls to the number on the parking signs will be picked up by Baysentry. We will try to use this as an opportunity to improve the look of parking signs, as Baysentry have indicated that they will be changing them.


Carousel House

The proposed works to repaint and clean the ground floor of Carousel House has begun. We appreciate that residents have been waiting a long time for this. It has taken a lot of persistence and persuasion to get to this point, with the work being done at no extra charge. The carpets should be deep cleaned soon.

We have also been advised that the shared bin storage with Devon House is going to be modified. A second entrance is proposed, and a dividing wall, enabling both blocks to have their own storage with no loss of space.


Planning Application – Co-op Outline Plan

This application is still live and comments are invited until 26 March 2021. A large number of residents from Hallmark House and Neapolitan House have objected for reasons which include:

  • noise from vehicles loading and unloading,
  • noise from the plant, vents and fans,
  • the colour and siting of Amazon lockers (this has already been changed),
  • concerns about waste and recycling management,
  • objections to the proposed increased hours.

A shop has always been planned for this space and is broadly welcomed. However, if you live nearby and feel you may be affected please go to www.york.gov.uk/SearchPlanningApplications
Click “Search Planning Applications Online” and enter 20/02501/FUL in the “keyword” search box.


Bishopthorpe Road Crossing Point Improvement

You may well have noticed the work at the crossing on Bishopthorpe Road adjacent to Campleshon Road. This is designed to improve visibility at the junction and increase the size of the traffic island. The Residents’ Association is committed to keeping up the pressure to improve this junction, beyond the works currently planned, but the current financial situation means the Council have identified other priorities at this time.


Flood Defence Works – Terry Avenue

The Environment Agency has started to build a compound on the football field in Rowntree Park. This is a prelude to 18 months of work to improve flood defences for Clementhorpe between Skeldergate Bridge and Rowntree Park.

The section of Terry Avenue between Skeldergate Bridge and Duke’s Wharf will be closed to the public for 12 months from early April. All riverside pedestrian and cycle traffic into town will have to use the New Walk side of the river (which we all know floods frequently) which will inevitably make it busier.

York Cycle Campaign is currently recommending that people do NOT cycle through this route during working hours because they are concerned about the risk of accident.


December 2020

December 2020 Issue No 15
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk

If you are not already a member of the Residents’ Association, please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is free and guarantees you get our Newsletters.

In this edition

  1. Chocolate Works Carols – Sunday 13th December
  2. Winter gritting of the highway and pavements of The Chocolate Works
  3. Bayldon Square trees – update
  4. Repairs to block paving
  5. Proposal to maintain house gutters/rainwater channels
  6. Review of car parking signage
  7. Cyclists
  8. Pedestrian safety at the Campleshon Road/Bishopthorpe Road junction
  9. New waste/dog poo bins near the school
  10. McCarthy & Stone proposal to build managed care apartments on the car park on Bishopthorpe Road opposite The Residence
  11. Update from David Wilson Homes (DWH)
  12. Co-op to open on the development in time for Christmas 2021


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all residents
at The Chocolate Works

We hope everyone is able to enjoy a Merry (and safe) Christmas and here is hoping that next year will be much, much better for everyone.


Chocolate Works Carols

The Chocolate Works Social Group has organised carols, complete with mulled wine – see poster below. Contact Clare on 07931 179281 or register interest via the Facebook page so that they have an idea of numbers.

Winter Gritting

Watson have confirmed that they are employing a firm to grit the development (when temperatures are predicted to go below 0˚C). It will be done at no additional cost to residents.


Bayldon Square Trees

DWH replaced two trees on Bayldon Square this week. While we are pleased, there is also some disappointment as we had understood that all the trees would be replaced.

DWH states that the Managing Director of their Landscape Contractors believes the remaining trees are healthy. However, the root balls of the trees which were removed were covered in their original nylon netting, which had restricted development.

Consequently, DWH will examine the root balls of the remaining trees to assist them in determining whether they should also be replaced. The situation will continue to be monitored.


Repairs to block paving

After a number of reminders, DWH have repaired the block paving in the residents’ parking area off Joseph Terry Grove.


House gutters/rainwater channels proposed maintenance programme

A number of residents have expressed concerns about the inaccessibility of the gutters of houses and worries that these might fail. Indeed, a number of people have already experienced leaks into bedrooms from either cracks to the rainwater channel, or due to blockages caused by leaves and other detritus.

With this in mind we have contacted a contractor who has given us a quotation for maintaining the gutters of the houses on the development. We will shortly be sending out letters to all houses outlining the process and associated costs, and we believe that it is a cost effective way to provide peace of mind.

NB This is NOT an issue for apartment blocks. Watson undertakes to manage these.


Car parking signage

A meeting is planned with Watson and Autosec to review and hopefully rationalise the number of parking signs and their design.



Cyclists are politely requested not to cycle down the grass embankment adjacent to the steps going down to Bishopthorpe Road. As well as safety issues, this is causing damage to the landscaping.


Pedestrian safety at the Bishopthorpe Road/Campleshon Road junction

We have recently submitted our second request to City of York Council for an urgent review of the traffic safety at this junction and provision of safe pedestrian crossing. The arguments for this include poor visibility at the junction due to parked cars; the high speed of cars coming from Bishopthorpe; and a marked increase in pedestrian traffic from residents at this development and The Residence.

An accident at this junction on Thursday 3rd December (reported in the York Press) further increases the case which is also being made by Councillor Crawshaw and the Headmistress of Knavesmire Primary School.

Pictured at the junction, from left, parents Sarah Fitsell and Ian & Lowra Kitchingman,
Cllr Jonny Crawshaw and Knavesmire Head of School, Hannah Gibson
Picture: George Dodd
(From York Press 04/12/20)


Waste/DogPoo Bins (Campleshon Road)

You may have noticed new waste bins at the Lorne Street, and Trafalgar Street ends of Knavesmire Primary School on Campleshon Road. These came as a response to requests by residents who attended the annual review of the policing of York Races in October last year. They only took a year to arrive!


McCarthy and Stone plan to redevelop car park into
Retirement Living Plus accommodation

McCarthy and Stone have just started the first stage of consultation on their proposal to provide Retirement Living Plus (for the over 70s) accommodation on the vacant car park (known locally as the Kraft car park) on Bishopthorpe Road opposite The Residence. They plan to have a one week public exhibition in the near future.

Their proposal, which they hope to submit before Christmas, includes

  • 73 apartments (43 x 1 bed and 30 x 2 bed)
  • 41 parking spaces
  • 92 additional parking spaces, on 2 levels, for 3rd parties (The Liquor Store, Clock Tower apartments etc).

There are concerns about, among other things

  • over-development in the area
  • even more traffic on Bishopthorpe Road
  • the effect on the adjacent cycle route
  • a marked increase in pedestrian traffic crossing an already busy road
  • the impact on the current GP services as well as the already existing need for new GP premises.

We will continue to engage in consultation and keep people informed.


Current Membership figures of the Residents’ Association

We currently have 107 CWRA members out of 244 occupied properties. We are glad to have you on board and hope you feel informed. If you would like to become more involved or have any suggestions, please get in touch via the website.


Update from David Wilson Homes

  • The road surface on Joseph Terry Grove, up to Thistle House, is due to be completed before Christmas.
  • Sales have gone well, and only five apartments remain unsold.
  • It is expected that new residents will arrive in the houses on Robert Street from February 2021, once the rear parking courtyards are completed.
  • It remains the aim to complete all building by November 2021, with the process of handing over sewerage and roads to the Council completed by Spring 2023.


Finally, it has been confirmed that the Co-op has won the contract
to open a retail outlet on the development

DWH has confirmed that contracts have been exchanged with the Co-op. It is anticipated that they will open a store in the current Sales Office space by November 2021.

November 2020

November 2020 Issue No 14
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk

If you are not already a member of the Residents’ Association, please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is free and guarantees you get our Newsletters.

Successful complaint about Campleshon Road Electricity sub-station noise

As anyone who walks down the footpath to Campleshon Road will know, the noise from the electricity sub-station can be very annoying, and even intolerable for those living in Neapolitan House, Hallmark House, Bayldon Court and nearby.

CWRA has been engaged in a complaint process with City of York Council Environmental Protection team since June 2020 to take action about the noise. We have co-ordinated eight letters of complaint from affected residents to City of York Council Environmental Protection Team, and enlisted the support of Cllr P. Kilbane when needed.

At the same time, and separately, two residents of Carousel House, Cheryl & Rob Huddlestone, have engaged in a complaint process directly to Northern PowerGrid.

We have formally been told the following –

“Northern PowerGrid will fully enclose the two 33/11kV transformers in bespoke built, high specification acoustic enclosures to mitigate noise. . . .
. . . the expected costs for the whole mitigation may easily be in the region of £200k, if not more”

This is not expected to take place immediately, but is nonetheless, good news!

Poplar Trees Application No. 19/01103/TPO

In May 2019 the Racecourse proposed the felling of 18 Lombardy poplars in the field behind Cocoa House. This application was denied with recommendations. Now the Racecourse is appealing the decision and would like its original proposal accepted.

A virtual hearing will take place at 10am on 1st December 2020 via Microsoft Teams or telephone. For more information on this case, go to 
and type in the application no 19/01103/TPO

If you would like to attend the hearing contact the Case Officer at the Planning Inspectorate (Tree and Hedge Appeals Team) please telephone 0303 444 5723 / 5385 / 5570 or email treeandhedgeappeals@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

Winter Gritting and Bayldon Square Trees

We are engaged in discussion with Watson about gritting footpaths and roads in inclement weather. This is possible but contingent upon being done within budget.

Equally we are continuing dialogue with both David Wilson Homes (DWH) and Watson about replacing the trees on Bayldon Square (as well as others near Neapolitan House). We are optimistic about succeeding and have heard from DWH that they are planning to replace the dead trees at some point during the current planting season, although the timing will be dictated by stock availability.

We will keep you posted.

September 2020

September 2020, Issue No. 13    Email: chair@cwra.co.uk

If you are not already a member of the Residents’ Association please go to cwra.co.uk and follow the instructions for joining. It is free, and guarantees you get our Newsletters.

Residents’ Association AGM

Our joint AGM, with Watson, was due to take place in October. Current restrictions on meetings mean that this is currently not possible. We have considered, and ruled out, an AGM via Zoom (or similar) because we felt, on balance, that this format limits the opportunity for healthy discussion and debate. Therefore, the decision has been taken to defer the AGM until Spring 2021. Obviously, we will make a further decision if group meetings are still prohibited at that time.


Lisa Harvey, Maintenance Surveyor, has left Watson. Her supervisor will be taking responsibility for the Chocolate Works development until a suitable replacement is found. This has led to a slight backlog in work.
Please continue to use the https://watsonpm.fixflo.com/Auth/HomeIssueCreate Fixflo system for any concerns which you feel Watson should be addressing.
Watson have been asked to complete the planting on Bayldon Square which commenced in the spring.

Breaches of Covenants

We have received an increasing number of complaints from residents about the following issues which constitute breaches of covenants:

  • Residents hanging washing on balconies
  • Residents storing bins and recycling boxes in public areas
  • Residents storing bikes at the front of their properties
  • For sale signs in house windows
  • Dogs in apartments

Residents who are concerned about these, or similar issues, are reminded that they should use Watson’s Fixflo to register any concerns

David Wilson Homes

The drilling for Thistle House is complete, and it is our understanding that no further drilling is required on the development.
DWH have planted the laurel hedge along the perimeter of the development and a combination of hand watering and unseasonably wet weather looks to have enabled it to flourish.
They have been asked to replace a number of dead trees on the perimeter of the development and to replace the dead trees on Bayldon Square.

Temporary Parking Spaces

David Wilson Homes made an undertaking on 3rd July to provide additional temporary parking outside Cocoa House for visitors. Despite continuous and ongoing requests for signs to be put in place they have failed to do so, and have yet to come up with a start date. We will continue to pursue this.

Carousel House – Medallion House

We are informed that permanent barriers will be put in place (where the temporary barriers were previously) to stop vehicles using the pedestrian area. This is subject to Council approval.

Wet Rooms

Cura Home Care are currently stripping out and replacing wet rooms which had failed, as agreed with DWH last autumn. They will finish the wet rooms they started in July, but their contract has been terminated and another firm will proceed with the outstanding wet rooms.

Wider Issues

Electricity Substation

Letters of complaint were sent to York Council on 23rd June about the noise from the electricity substation on Campleshon Road. In the absence of an acknowledgement from the Council an email was sent on 1st September.  Following the Council’s failure to acknowledge the email, a further email has been sent on 7th September and now our Ward Councillors are helping progress the matter.

Land South of the Residence

Planning Reference -18/02582/FULM – Erection of 85 apartments and seven town houses. Consideration of this application was deferred at the August Planning Committee, pending a bat survey.

South Bank Resident Parking Scheme

On 11th August the Council agreed an extension to the existing South Bank Residents Parking scheme. This includes restrictions on the west side of Bishopthorpe Road from Campleshon Road to the Residence.
There is a 40 metre bay for 2 hour parking, close to The Residence. The remainder, to Campleshon Road will be subject to Resident Parking permits 24/7 or 1 hour visit only (non-permit). This will severely impact contractor parking and commuter parking, but will also have an impact upon residents in our development seeking additional on-street parking.
Implementation date is currently unknown. We have asked if we will be eligible for resident parking tickets, but have not yet received a reply.
The following link goes to the Council Meeting and papers related to this decision https://democracy.york.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=738&MId=12341&Ver=4

Clementhorpe Flood Protection Scheme

This has been agreed by the Council, with a need to revise cycle path provision before commencement. Work is expected to last twelve months and have some effect on all those people who use Millennium Bridge or the riverside footpaths and cycle paths into town.

July 2020

July 2020, Issue No. 12    Email: chair@cwra.co.uk

This is our first Newsletter since March 2020 and as such, we need to reflect some of the changes caused by the ongoing pandemic as well as update residents on activity around the development.

If you are not already a member please go to cwra.co.uk and follow the instructions for joining. It is free at present (to be reviewed later this year) and guarantees you get our Newsletters. We are also looking for people from the apartments who may be interested in working with the committee to ensure we remain representative of all groups.

Previously Advertised Meetings

Due to ongoing restrictions upon social gatherings we are unable to organise residents open meetings, as advertised in the March Newsletter. Equally, the impact on our future AGM has yet to be determined. Nonetheless, it is our aspiration to have more face to face meetings when it is safe and practical to do so.

David Wilson Homes (DWH)

We understand that there are now no limits on numbers of workers allowed, within social distancing guidelines, so we can expect work to be near full capacity from now on.

Pre-lockdown there were 130-140 workers on site at any one time. When work first recommenced this figure was nearer 40 workers.

DWH have also applied to start working on Saturday and Sunday in the future. This will not involve a change in start or finish times and is likely to be approved by the Council. DWH’s aim is to be finished by November 2021.

DWH have also indicated that they will do the following:

  • Remove dead trees and debris from the perimeter of the development.
  • Clean a two metre section of the whole perimeter of the development (to stop debris falling onto Campleshon Road and Bishopthorpe Road) and plant laurel hedging as a barrier.
  • Plant further trees in the area behind Devon House in September.
  • Undertake a tree survey and provide Watson with a maintenance plan going forward.

Bayldon Square

We continue to ask for replacement trees in Bayldon Square, and completion of the planting. This was due for completion in April, but it is possible that it will now have to wait until September.

Block G (Thistle House)

Piling will commence on this block in late July/early August. This will inevitably be noisy, but is the last piling for the whole development, as Orange House (Block K) has already been piled.

Carousel House – Medallion House

We are informed that –

  • replanting will take place in this area
  • concrete seats will be placed here
  • pillars will be erected at the base of the steps, similar to those at the Clock Tower Way entrance. Lights will also be placed in the grass along the slope (similar to those in Bayldon Square)

Clock Tower Way

From 1st August until completion Clock Tower Way will be the road designated to take deliveries, although some will still come in through the site compound.

Cocoa House

Is close to completion. The first residents are expected to move in by the end of July.

Joseph Terry Grove

The road surface between Robert Street and round to the compound will be completed in the next month.

Robert Street

DWH hope to have the properties at the top of Robert Street complete for occupation by Christmas.

The Estate in general

We have now had a walk round the estate with both DWH and Watson. Among the issues discussed are –

  • DWH will clean the paint spill outside Devon House
  • They will also paint a V (for visitor parking) sign in the space behind Devon House which was missed first time round
  • We have asked Watson to treat public areas affected by vine weevil. This will be discussed with the contractors in the first instance
  • DWH will strim and clean up the verge adjacent to the Care Home
  • Watson continue to be concerned about washing on balconies, which is contrary to the covenants. They are also concerned about bins and recycling boxes being left outside properties for prolonged periods.
  • DWH will provide additional temporary parking spaces. Initially these will be in the unoccupied Cocoa House spaces and will be available once marked up
  • A large parking space outside Medallion House which is currently used by up to two vehicles will eventually be designated for disable vehicle users.
  • We tried to gain clarity about which areas are now managed by Watson and which are still managed by DWH. This is complex, vague and changeable. But one example is that the grass at the Carousel House side of the steps down to Bishopthorpe Road is managed by Watson whereas the grass on the Medallion House side is still managed by DWH.

Wet rooms

Cura Home Care are currently stripping out and replacing wet rooms which had failed, as agreed with DWH last autumn


Watson has appointed Autosec to manage and enforce parking on the development.

We do not have a date for commencement, but understand that a letter will be sent out explaining the system to all residents shortly.


Planning permission has been sought for a plant room for a convenience store which will open in the current sales Office area. This is expected to open in late 2021. At the moment there is no confirmation of who will run the store.

Wider Issues

Electricity Substation

Letters of complaint have now been sent to York Council about the noise from the electricity sub-station on Campleshon Road. This has been a continuing serious nuisance for residents, particularly in Neapolitan House.

Land South of the Residence

We have continued to support our neighbours at The Residence in their objection to further building to the South of the Residence. Planning Reference -18/02582/FULM – Erection of 85 apartments and seven town houses.

This is due to be discussed in August by the Planning Committee.

Clementhorpe Flood Protection Scheme

This has been agreed by the Council, with a need to revise cycle path provision before commencement.

This will last twelve months and have some effect on all those people who use Millennium Bridge or the riverside footpaths and cycle paths into town.


If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome!