March 2020

March 2020, Issue No. 11    Email:

Residents Association Committee open meetings

The Residents Association Committee would like to improve its communication. To facilitate this we would like to offer an open forum/drop-in at the end of Committee Meetings, where members can attend and ask questions, make suggestions, and meet the committee. Please feel free to pop over and see us. These meetings will be held at St Clements Working Mens Club, Count de Burgh Terrace (about 5mins walk away) at 8.30 pm on

  • 06 April 2020
  • 06 July 2020
  • 02 November 2020

Planning and Construction Report

This report has been kindly provided by John Stevens and was correct as at 21 January 2020. We thank John for keeping his eye on this for us.

  • Block J, Cocoa House (17/02874/FULM) – approved and under construction – Section 106 Agreement still missing. The Construction Environmental Management Plan is in place. 18 apartments with 15 off-street and 3 on-street parking places.
  • Block F, Medallion House, almost complete. 37 units.
  • Block G, Harlequin House, almost complete. 21
  • Block H, east of Joseph Terry Grove – yet to
    start. Units not known. For sale.
  • Block K (18/1934/FULM – revised scheme), to the
    rear of the Care Home, previously known as Block H. An amended plan made a
    marginal reduction in height by removing the penthouse floor with its 3
    apartments. Approved, subject to a new Section 106 agreement. 34 apartments
    plus 35 parking spaces, including electric charging points. A Construction
    Environmental Management Plan to be agreed setting out working hours, controls
    on noise and dust. All units to be affordable social housing.
  • Blocks L and M (18/02329/FULM – revised scheme) –
    an amended plan has been approved and the old one withdrawn. Block L has now been
    revised back to 12 family houses with off-street parking. Block M now comprises
    22 houses with off-street visitor parking spaces. Construction now under way.
  • New traffic restrictions in the surrounding
    area. Bishopthorpe Road – double yellow lines to be implemented by CYC this
    financial year. Also, a number of petitions for Residents-Only Parking
    Restrictions to the north and east of our site.
  • An application has been submitted for a zebra crossing, or similar, on Bishopthorpe Road where the new pedestrian access from Joseph Terry Grove will shortly open. Pedestrian traffic does not currently warrant a crossing, and the Council does not consider that there is any speeding, but CYC will monitor the situation. We could volunteer to research traffic amounts and speeds with the support of the police.
  • Felling of 18 poplar trees to the immediate west of Cocoa House (19/01103/TPO). Part approved. Six trees to be felled; condition of the others to be monitored; replacements to be planted. The Racecourse has now taken this to an appeal – currently in progress.
  • York Local Plan. The first public hearing took place in mid December. If the plan is considered ‘robust’ and ‘sound’, there will be a further, more detailed, inspection this Spring.
  • Chocolate Works Advertising Hoarding Fronting Bishopthorpe Road (19/01156/ADV0) extended to March 2024. Following submission of revised plans, the application was approved. NB. The remaining length of hoarding, along Campleshon Road, is scheduled to be removed in January.
  • Terry Avenue Flood Defence Works (19/00570/FUL) – could be of interest to residents who walk or cycle into town. There are full details on the Environment Agency’s site At present CYC is considering an alternative construction method, known as ‘ground grouting’. If this proves viable, there will be far less disruption to walkers and cyclists.
  • Construction work has recommenced on the Clock Tower and Boiler House. Conversion to 22 apartments.
  • The Liquor Store has been made ready for use and is being marketed for restaurant/café and deli/retail use.
  • CWRA has been in discussion with Angela Blackwood, CYC officer responsible for sustainable transport. See separate report.
  • The Residents’ Assocation has submitted an objection to plans for further properties on Land South of the Residence for 90 apartments and seven town houses. If you are (among other things) concerned about the heritage of the factory, or traffic in the area go to / (Planning No. 18/02582/FULM)  to register your concerns before 18th May. There have also been objections from the National Trust, the Racecourse, CYC Highways, CYC Conservation and York Civic Trust.

Estate Management

Reminder: Watson, the Property Management Company is holding a meeting for ALL residents on 26th March at 6pm in St Chad’s Church Hall.
This is an opportunity to catch up with what’s happening on the development and to ask questions.

  • Watson’s have confirmed they wish to complete the planting on Bayldon Square with plants ordered, with a £500 contribution from DWH. It just awaits better weather.
  • The trees on Bayldon Square are to be replaced by DWH landscapers in the spring.
  • A light above the defibrillator has been agreed by DWH and awaits installation.
  • We are liaising with Watson’s on the poor condition of landscaping being handed over to them by DWH.
  • We have brought Watson’s attention to breaches in leases around the development to include washing being dried on balconies, BBQs on balconies, cycles being left out in gardens and For Sale notices being displayed.
  • We are keeping on top of DWH and Watson’s on estate snagging including the replacement of dead planting, paint spillages, loose block work in parking areas and collection of rubbish.
  • We have been requested by Watson’s to review the need for a concierge.
  • Watson’s are consulting with us on the specification and scope of works for maintenance for the period 2020/21. This will directly affect our Management fee.
  • We are arranging meetings with all parties to agree the best way to take forward the adotion of the roads by the City Council and to ensure all residents have their input.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help Steve with Estate Management from the apartment blocks, Joseph Terry Grove and Clock Tower Way. If you are interested in getting involved please email: We’d love to hear from you!

Forthcoming Events

Great news. The racecourse has invited 50 residents from each of the Chocolate Works and also the Residence to an evening tour on Thursday 23 April 2020 from 6.30pm-9pm in the Parade Ring Restaurant, to include light refreshments. This event should prove popular and is at no cost to the residents. More details will follow shortly on how to apply for a place.

The Sales Office is in the early stages of planning in conjunction with residents a VE Day (8th May) event for the development. More details to follow.

Social Groups/Events

Yorkuleles at the Knavesmire

What an enjoyable evening this was. The Yorkuleles provided excellent entertainment with an original mix of songs performed with skill and gusto. I would not have expected some of the selections to work well with a ukulele band but what do I know? Thanks to imaginative arrangements, they all absolutely did. At times, some members of the audience were dancing in the aisles. Unfortunately the evening was brought to a slightly premature end because a member of the band became unwell, but thankfully he apparently made a swift recovery. Thanks are due to the organisers, the band, the Knavesmire pub for providing a free venue, raffle prize donors and to all who supported the event by purchasing tickets and turning up. The result was that a very worthwhile sum was raised for The Samaritans.
Helen Shoesmith

Wider Community

Living North Live – York Racecourse
Yorkshire’s biggest homes, gardens, shopping, food & lifestyle exhibition. York Racecourse 20-22 March 2020. More details at


Flying Scotsman at the Railway Museum
For the only time this year, Flying Scotsman is back on display in York at the National Railway Museum. Get up close to the well-travelled loco and marvel at the engineering details of this magnificent engine, designed by the renowned Sir Nigel Gresley. A special platform allows access to the cab for everyone, including wheelchair users and little ones in pushchairs. Open 1 April – 21 April 2020 from 10am to 6pm

Local Book – Shadows in the Bricks
If you are interested in local history you may be interested in the latest publication by Clements Hall Local History Group. At 114 pages it is a history of the old shops of South Bank (an area defined here as running from Southlands Avenue to The Residence and across to Albemarle Road.) The book is advertised on the Clements Hall Website – shadows in the bricks And is for sale at Fred’s Bakery, The Winning Post, Tranquil Hair and Beauty, The Corner Barbershop, Tower Vets, Pextons, Frankie and Johnny’s Cookshop and Cameron Beaumont Opticians.

The CWRA – Contact UsSubscribe to our Newsletter

If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome!

December 2019

December 2019, Issue No. 10    Email:

The Residents Association Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish ALL residents Happy Holidays and all the best for 2020. Here is hoping we can build upon our successes of this year!

Christmas Carols on Bayldon Square

Thanks to everyone who participated in our second Carols on the green event on 15th December.

Special thanks to St.Chad’s choir for leading the singing, Vanilla Hair and Beauty for their generous donation to the Carecent charity collection and in no particular order, the people who made this happen: Mafalda, Bridget, Julie, Filiz, Andrea, Helen & David, Lucy and Paul, Clare and Peter and Hilary.

If anyone would like further information about the role of Carecent in York – a charity helping the homeless – please visit or contact Clare Skardon, who organised the Carecent collection (WhatsApp 07931 179181‬).

Defibrillator Training

On Saturday, 7th December our first Defibrillator Training took place in St Chads Church Hall.
Enthusiastic participants had the opportunity to learn, or refresh, their CPR skills on a Resusci Anne manikin doll and also work through the sequence of commands using the Defibrillator. This was enormously helpful, and reassuring, and ensures that there is an increased pool of people available with a degree of confidence in what to do in the case of an emergency which might require the use of the defibrillator. It was also nice to see residents from further afield in Cameron Grove attending the training.

If you have not already done so, please take the opportunity to acquaint yourself with its position for future reference (on the wall at the side of the Sales office between Hallmark House and Neapolitan House).
PS David Wilson Homes have  agreed to install an additional light above the machine to make it more visible if needed at night.

Website Coordinator Role

Andrea, our current website coordinator, is stepping down from the committee in the near future, so we are looking for a volunteer to replace her to keep the website up to date and to produce our monthly newsletter. If you have a bit of spare time and like fiddling on the computer (reasonable IT skills required) then this role would be perfect for you! WordPress knowledge would be an advantage but not essential as Andrea is happy to provide training and support. Please get in touch if you are interested or would like further details. Email

Estate Management

  • Watson’s have informed us that planting of bare patches around the development and the replacement of trees in Bayldon Square will take place in Feb/March 2020.
  • DWH have agreed to contribute £500 towards planting on Bayldon Square.
  • The boundary fence from the electricity sub-station through to the new steps on Bishopthorpe Road is planned to be removed in January 2020.
  • New robust parking signs are to be supplied and installed.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help Steve with Estate Management from the apartment blocks, Joseph Terry Grove and Clock Tower Way. If you are interested in getting involved please email: We’d love to hear from you!

Social Groups/Events

Chocolate Works Coffee Club at St Chad’s Church Hall – Wednesday 8th January, 10 – 11 am. Join us for a catch up over coffee and cake. Nicole and Andrea will be there to greet you. Everyone is welcome and kids can come along too. Small donation to the kitty for refreshments.

Upcoming Event: Saturday 29th February 2020

The Yorkuleles at the Knavesmire Pub. We are running this event in support of The Samaritans and will be selling tickets in advance as numbers will be limited. Full details will be published in next month’s newsletter (end of January).

Wider Community

New Year’s Day Antique Home & Vintage Fair – York Racecourse

Wednesday 1st January 2020. Wide choice of antique and vintage items, home décor inspiration, collectables, curios, jewellery, art and fashion. Please see for details.

York Talks – University of York

Wednesday 8th January 2020. A series of 15-minute talks open to all and free of charge. See YorkTalks for further information.

The CWRA – Contact UsSubscribe to our Newsletter

If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome!

November 2019

November 2019, Issue No. 9    Email:

News on works around the Chocolate Works

A quick update of some of the works being undertaken by DWH and Watson (following a joint Estate Walkabout):

DWH sub-contractor is now working on the area behind Devon House and Carousel House. They are – 

  • clearing the undergrowth
  • removing ivy off choked trees 
  • and removing any dead trees
  • providing the results of a tree survey and the condition of the trees to Watson, which will then be available to us
  • planning to plant 59 further trees in the area

DWH will also provide street lighting in the car park area as soon as their sub-contractor can commence the work.

Likewise, their sub-contractor will soon add the extra ‘V’ for a permanent Visitor parking space opposite the other two existing permanent spaces.

Once this work is completed, they expect to remove the hoardings from Campleshon Road round to the steps leading to Bishopthorpe Road with a view to opening up pedestrian access.

The bin store at Devon House was discussed –

  • The council instruct operatives not to move rubbish from the floor or overflowing bins. Hence occasionally the bins have not been emptied. It is clearly in residents’ own interest to keep the area tidy.
  • The store is shared by Devon House and Carousel House. David Wilson Homes legal team are finding a set of words to satisfy Yorkshire Housing Association about this and to ensure continued permanent access for Carousel House residents.

  • DWH will clean the paint spill outside Devon House and Carousel House
  • They will plant an area on JTG next to an individual parking space which  has been missed
  • DWH have been asked to report back to sub-contractors to fix the flower beds outside Devon, Carousel, and elsewhere which are overflowing with bark spilling onto the road, because the planting was too high.
  • DWH have been asked to review the screening for the substation at the Devon House side. They will investigate but this could prove problematic due to covenants protecting the sub-station.
  • We have asked for fencing around the perimeter of Campleshon Road (when the hoardings are removed) as we highlighted this as a potential issue for security. There was a lack of enthusiasm for the idea, not least because of the potential cost.

DWH will go back to their gardener about the trees on Bayldon Square and get them replaced. Additional planting on Bayldon Square is booked to commence in  February 2020.

We expressed concerns about heavy Plant using Robert Street. DWH have a very clear traffic management plan which diverts traffic down Joseph Terry Grove whenever possible. However, occasionally it has proven necessary to use Robert Street and Clock Tower Way when they have been pulling services across Joseph Terry Grove to Blocks E & F.

DWH plan to commence piling works for the remaining houses near the Clock Tower before they break for Christmas on 20th December. This will use a drilled rather than a driven pile which should reduce noise. However, there will be increased traffic disruption.

Request for feedback – guttering

Some residents have experienced problems with leaks from the guttering to their houses. Specifically, the problem appears to be buckling and cracking of the fibreglass gulley. It would be helpful if we could begin to find out whether this is an issue which is only affecting one or two properties or whether it is an issue that is much more widespread, which may necessitate a site-wide solution. If you have experienced this, please email so that we can begin to identify the extent of the issue, which will aid our discussions with DWH. NB Please note that we want feedback, at this stage, specifically referring to the firbreglass guttering rather than any and all leaks. Thank you.

Planning Update

A reminder – in case you missed it first time round . . .  David Wilson Homes have officially withdrawn their application for Block M (11/11/19). This will revert to 22 family homes, and the piling for these will start before Christmas. Congratulations once more to all involved in the objection to this Block!

The current final plan of works for the development can be viewed on our Planning Page

Defibrillator Training

Course run by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service – Help save a life!

Training for residents of The Chocolate Works and the wider South Bank area is on Saturday 7th December, 9am to 11am, at St Chads Church Hall. By attending this course you will be able to confidently use our onsite Automated External Defibrillator. Booking not required.

Social Groups/Events

Please join us on the square on Sunday 15th December at 5.30pm for mulled drinks, nibbles, hot blackcurrant for the kids and carol singing. Please bring your own glass/mug and some change for the small donation of £2 per adult (kids free) to cover costs. The choir from St Chads will kick off the carol singing at 6pm. We look forward to seeing you there! Family and friends welcome.

A charity collection on behalf of Carecent -helping the homeless of York -will take place on the evening. Please bring any of the listed items below. All donations are greatly appreciated! If you are unable to attend the Carol Singing but would still like to make a donation to Carecent please contact Clare on 07931 179181‬.

Tinned spam, corned beef, sugar, baked beans, tinned fruit, cereals, biscuits, squash/cordial, shower gel, shampoo, baby wipes, razors, role-on deodorant, jeans, tracksuit bottoms and new men’s underwear

Please see website for full details of all social groups at The Chocolate Works:  Social Groups

Upcoming Event: Saturday 29th February 2020

The Yorkuleles at the Knavesmire Pub. More details to follow.

Wider Community

Book: Shadows in the Bricks – The old shops of South Bank in York

If you are interested in local history you may be interested in the latest publication by Clements Hall Local History Group. At 114 pages it is a history of the old shops of South Bank (an area defined here as running from Southlands Avenue to The Residence and across to Albemarle Road.) The book is advertised on the Clements Hall Website – shadows in the bricks And is for sale at Fred’s Bakery, The Winning Post, Tranquil Hair and Beauty, The Corner Barbershop, Tower Vets, Pextons, Frankie and Johnny’s Cookshop and Cameron Beaumont Opticians.

If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome!

The CWRA – Contact Us

October 2019

October 2019, Issue No. 8    Email:

Report From AGM

Monday 14th October 2019
The first Annual AGM of the Residents Association was held on 14th October 2019, in combination with the first annual meeting with Watson, The Property Agent.
A report of the activities of the residents Association was given  and Watson were asked questions about parking enforcement, the gardens, and access to Watson accounts (details of both are available in the recently circulated minutes).
There were 47 attendees which was gratifying and indicated interest in the activities of both groups.
The next AGM will be booked for October 2020. However, the acoustics were such in the church, that we shall probably be looking for a venue where it is more possible that all attendees can hear the whole proceedings.
Many thanks to all who attended, and for the post meeting feedback, which has been very positive.

Minutes for the AGM are available to view on our website: AGM Minutes

Defibrillator Update

Great news! The Defibrillator has been installed next to our Noticeboard and Mafalda is currently organising a training course on how to use it. Details to be confirmed in the near future.

Parking at Sales Office

We would like to remind residents about the arrangements for parking outside the Sales Office. These spaces are for sales staff and prospective purchasers only.
We have been granted access to these spaces outside working hours (6pm – 8am) with the proviso that the space is then vacated. Please adhere to these times as we do not want to lose this additional resource and have it come under the parking enforcement scheme.

Social Groups/Events

Please see website for full details:  Social Groups

Christmas Carols on Bayldon Square – Sunday 15th December, 5.30pm

Please join us on the square on Sunday 15th December at 5.30pm for mulled wine, mulled cider, mince pies and carol singing. The choir from St Chad’s are coming at 6pm to lead the singing again this year. We kindly ask you to bring some money with you – there will be a small donation to cover drinks/mince pies. A lovely festive event for all the family!

This Christmas we wish to support Carecent – a local homeless charity – by collecting donations of food, clothing (good quality), and toiletries. We will provide more details in the November newsletter about how we plan to collect any donations you may want to give.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 29th February 2020

We are busy planning a fundraising event for the evening of Saturday 29th February. We are lucky to have booked the wonderful local ukulele group, The Yorkuleles, to provide entertainment for us. It promises to be a fun filled evening so please put the date in your diary. Venue and details TBC.

What’s Going On – Wider Community

Members of the Clements Hall Local History Group have been researching the area’s extensive industrial past – chemical manure works, confectionery works, thread mills, glassworks, shipyard and more. Please see the History Group’s website if you’re interested in reading about the area’s fascinating history: Clementhorpe, York: Over 200 years of work and industry

The Chocolate Works Residents Association

September 2019

September 2019, Issue No. 7    Email:

All that Jazz

A wonderful and informal jazz evening was held on Bayldon Square on 14th September.  Many thanks to Clare Skardon for her immense hard work and devotion to detail where so many were able to enjoy not only the jazz, but the exquisite sunset which crowned the whole event. (Not sure how Clare managed to order that).

There were four musicians in the group, Ron Burnet, being the leader. He played trombone and vocals. The keyboard, trumpet and trombone, with additional vocals from Bob Gilvene added to the rich sounds of pure jazz from the 1920’s – although towards the end of the evening they played a miscellany of relaxing 1990’s tunes. Their smart black tuxedoes added to the sense of occasion.

The evening was a huge success, and although each person only paid £2.50, there was enough money to pay the band their £260 fee and make a £41.50 contribution to the Chocolate Works Residents Association funds. Many bought their own wine, chairs and tables. One music enthusiast brought a barbecue and lighted candles which added to the festivities – after all we were there to have fun, celebrate our homes and the Chocolate Works.

The feedback from this jazz evening has been immensely positive and it is hoped that next year we can make it an even bigger and better celebration.

A big thank you to Hilary for writing this review and to everyone who supported this event.

Annual General Meeting – Monday 14th October

Please join us for The Chocolate Works Residents Association Annual General Meeting & The Chocolate Works Management Company Open Forum on Monday 14th October, 7pm – 8.30pm at St Chad’s Church, Campleshon Road

The Chocolate Works Residents Association AGM – Agenda
  1. Welcome and Approve Minutes of previous AGM
  2. Chair’s Report – What have we done?;  What are we doing?;  What do we want to do?
  3.  Treasurer’s Report
  4. Agree proposed changes to the Residents Association Constitution
  5. Ratify Election/Re-Election of Officers to the  Committee: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer & Secretary. Current Officers will be re-elected unopposed unless there are further nominations. Nominations for any of these positions should be emailed to to be received by 5pm Monday, 7th October 2019
  6. Any Other BusinessMore detailed content will be emailed out to Members of the Residents Association in the week commencing 7th October 2019
The Chocolate Works Management Company Limited – AGM and Open Forum Meeting – Agenda

From 7.45 pm – details TBA.  This meeting will be run by Watson Property Management.

CWRA Membership – Please Join Us!

The Residents Association has decided that membership will be free for the year 2019-20120 (to be reviewed in October 2020). All current memberships will automatically roll over. If you are not yet a member please go to and hit the Join Us button on the homepage, fill in your details and you will become a member. (NB subscribing to the newsletter does NOT automatically make you a member.) Membership enables you to vote at the AGM on decisions which may affect you.

Social Groups/Events

Please see website for full details:  Social Groups

Monthly Coffee Morning – 2nd October, 10am

First Wednesday of every month at St Chad’s Church Hall, 10 – 11 am. All welcome!

Nic’s Curry Club – 17th October, 7pm

If you haven’t yet got your name down for the first outing of the Curry Club to Village Spice restaurant, on Thursday 17th October, and would like to join please text Clare: 07931 179181.

Afternoon Coffee Club – 23rd October, 1.30pm

This month we are heading out to The Reading Cafe in Rowntree Park on Wednesday 23rd October, 1.30pm.  This is open to everyone so please do join us if you are free!

Christmas Carols on the square – Sunday 15th December (around 6.30pm)

Christmas Carols on the Square returns!  Please get it in your diary in preparation for that Festive Mood.  More details to follow nearer the time.

What’s Going On – Wider Community

National chocolate week at Goddards – 16th – 20th October

Wall mural from the old Chocolate Factory

Discover more about one of the world’s most iconic chocolates – the Terry’s Chocolate Orange –  at the former Terry’s home. Take a nostalgic look at chocolate boxes from the past, make your own chocolate box to take home, and learn more about what is was like to work for Terry’s by trying out the Clocking In trail in the factory rooms. Event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.  Please see National Trust website for full details.

York Minster Northern Lights – 24th – 31st October

Northern Lights York Minster

Don’t miss the return of the awe-inspiring Northern Lights event at York Minister.  The sound and light installation will transform the cathedral’s cavernous Nave with images and audio inspired by the medieval Minster’s stained glass and stone. For full details see the Visit York website.

The Chocolate Works FaceBook Group

CWRA Membership

If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome.

CWRA Website

Contact Us

August 2019

August 2019, Issue No. 6    Email:

A Lovely Afternoon Tea!

Bridget & Dan Barry and Julie & Paul Hughes held a ticketed afternoon tea in their gardens on the afternoon of 10th August, with the aim of a) helping residents get to know each other a little better, and b) raising funds for the proposed CWRA defibrillator.

The event was very well attended and guests coped admirably with the odd shower. The food was of a very professional standard and accompanied by the odd glass of convivial drink that seemed to help get people talking. A raffle was also held, with prizes kindly donated by neighbours. Consequently they were able to present the Residents Association with £140 towards the proposed defibrillator.

Many, many thanks to the Barrys’ and Hughes’ for opening up their gardens to us, and for the hours of work involved in preparing the food; and thanks to all those who turned up and contributed to a lovely afternoon. Please visit our Photo Gallery to view a few photos of this event.

Estate Management


Following a series of meetings with the site maintenance surveyor, and a Director of Watson in their Leeds office we are able to confirm the following:

  • Watson are going to install height restriction notices over the tunnels to car parks
  • Watson  will replace the dead trees in Bayldon Square with Cherry trees in November, and will replace the light in the grassed area of Bayldon Square as soon as possible.
  • Watson state that one of their responsibilities is to manage nuisance e.g. noise, parties until late, using properties as AirBnB’s, ball games etc. So please contact Watson’s if you have an issue with these.
  • If you see plants, shrubs or trees that have died in new planting areas please contact David Wilson Homes. This is considered a “snagging” issue and the responsibility for replacement lies with DWH in the first two years.

Other Estate Management news:

  • Car Parking has been taken on as part of Estate Management
  • We are currently seeking willing and active volunteers to assist with all areas of Estate Management. Please get in touch if you can help:



If you are concerned about the increasing size of the development, and wish to protect the heritage of the Clock Tower, please keep the following dates in your diaries.

Wednesday, 4th September 10 am

Site visit by councillors to look at the site of Block K (18/1934/FULM) – (30 apartment block between the Care Home and the liquor store). We are objecting on grounds of heritage and bulk & massing. However, a previous block (H) has already been approved. Please turn up to speak to your councillors at the site entrance nearest the Care Home & Liquor Store.

Tuesday, 10th September 10am

Site visit by councillors to look at Block M, followed by a council meeting to approve on Thursday, 12th September at 4.30pm. Block M is at the end of Clock Tower Way, and situated directly in front of the Clock Tower. It was initially approved as houses, and we are objecting to this application for 20 apartments on the grounds of heritage and bulk & massing.

The more people who turn up to meet councillors at the site visits the better. It is an informal opportunity to register concerns and ask questions.

Annual General Meeting – Monday 14th October

Please join us for The Chocolate Works Residents Association Annual General Meeting & The Chocolate Works Management Company Open Forum on Monday 14th October, 7pm – 8.30pm at St Chad’s Church, Campleshon Road

This is a dual purpose meeting as follows:

1) The Residents Association will hold its 1st Annual General Meeting. This is an opportunity for you to hear what we have done during our first year, and for you to begin to tell us what you feel should be our priorities for next year. It will also be an opportunity to elect/re-elect Officers of the Committee.

2) Watson, our Management Agent, will make a presentation of their role and function, followed by a Q & A session.

Adoption of Roads by City of York Council

We have had a first meeting with a Technical Director of David Wilson Homes, prior to further meetings with him and York Council. The process of adopting the roads needs to start now, as the legal elements are complex, and the Council process is somewhat slow.

In the first instance is the question of the leasehold nature of many of the residents’ parking spaces and the impact this may have on adopting roads around those spaces. If there is anyone with a legal background, preferably property law, or other related skills, we would be delighted if you wished to get involved and help guide us through the legal minefield which this is likely to throw up. (Please leave a message on and we will get back to you.)

Social Groups/Events

Please see website for full details:  Social Groups

Jazz Night

Monthly Coffee Morning

First Wednesday of every month at St Chad’s Church Hall.  Next one is on 4th September, from 10 am. Open to everyone! Just come along and catch up with your fellow Chocolate Works Residents. 

New* Nic’s Curry Club – 17th October

The new Curry Club is to be held once a month and we’re kicking off at our local Village Spice restaurant on Thursday 17th October, 7 pm. All welcome! Free poppadoms and spice trays and bring your own drinks – makes it very cost effective, just pay for a main course! Text Clare on 07931 179181 if interested.

What’s Going On – Wider Community

Friday 20th – Sunday 29th September 2019

Food-lovers can get their teeth stuck into our historic city at the annual York Food and Drink Festival. The festival market, bars, food factory and demonstrations will be located on Parliament Street and St Sampsons Square but there’s lots more going on throughout the city. From wine and food tastings, talks, trails and tours to cookery demos and workshops.  Visit website for details and to book events.

CWRA Membership

If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome.

CWRA Website

Contact Us