December 2019, Issue No. 10 Email:
The Residents Association Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish ALL residents Happy Holidays and all the best for 2020. Here is hoping we can build upon our successes of this year!
Christmas Carols on Bayldon Square
Thanks to everyone who participated in our second Carols on the green event on 15th December.
Special thanks to St.Chad’s choir for leading the singing, Vanilla Hair and Beauty for their generous donation to the Carecent charity collection and in no particular order, the people who made this happen: Mafalda, Bridget, Julie, Filiz, Andrea, Helen & David, Lucy and Paul, Clare and Peter and Hilary.
If anyone would like further information about the role of Carecent in York – a charity helping the homeless – please visit or contact Clare Skardon, who organised the Carecent collection (WhatsApp 07931 179181).
Defibrillator Training
On Saturday, 7th December our first Defibrillator Training took place in St Chads Church Hall.
Enthusiastic participants had the opportunity to learn, or refresh, their CPR skills on a Resusci Anne manikin doll and also work through the sequence of commands using the Defibrillator. This was enormously helpful, and reassuring, and ensures that there is an increased pool of people available with a degree of confidence in what to do in the case of an emergency which might require the use of the defibrillator. It was also nice to see residents from further afield in Cameron Grove attending the training.
If you have not already done so, please take the opportunity to acquaint yourself with its position for future reference (on the wall at the side of the Sales office between Hallmark House and Neapolitan House).
PS David Wilson Homes have agreed to install an additional light above the machine to make it more visible if needed at night.
Website Coordinator Role
Andrea, our current website coordinator, is stepping down from the committee in the near future, so we are looking for a volunteer to replace her to keep the website up to date and to produce our monthly newsletter. If you have a bit of spare time and like fiddling on the computer (reasonable IT skills required) then this role would be perfect for you! WordPress knowledge would be an advantage but not essential as Andrea is happy to provide training and support. Please get in touch if you are interested or would like further details. Email
Estate Management
- Watson’s have informed us that planting of bare patches around the development and the replacement of trees in Bayldon Square will take place in Feb/March 2020.
- DWH have agreed to contribute £500 towards planting on Bayldon Square.
- The boundary fence from the electricity sub-station through to the new steps on Bishopthorpe Road is planned to be removed in January 2020.
- New robust parking signs are to be supplied and installed.
We are currently looking for volunteers to help Steve with Estate Management from the apartment blocks, Joseph Terry Grove and Clock Tower Way. If you are interested in getting involved please email: We’d love to hear from you!
Social Groups/Events
Chocolate Works Coffee Club at St Chad’s Church Hall – Wednesday 8th January, 10 – 11 am. Join us for a catch up over coffee and cake. Nicole and Andrea will be there to greet you. Everyone is welcome and kids can come along too. Small donation to the kitty for refreshments.
Upcoming Event: Saturday 29th February 2020
The Yorkuleles at the Knavesmire Pub. We are running this event in support of The Samaritans and will be selling tickets in advance as numbers will be limited. Full details will be published in next month’s newsletter (end of January).
Wider Community
New Year’s Day Antique Home & Vintage Fair – York Racecourse
Wednesday 1st January 2020. Wide choice of antique and vintage items, home décor inspiration, collectables, curios, jewellery, art and fashion. Please see for details.
York Talks – University of York
Wednesday 8th January 2020. A series of 15-minute talks open to all and free of charge. See YorkTalks for further information.
The CWRA – Contact Us – Subscribe to our Newsletter
If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome!