July/August 2023 Issue No 35
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk
If you are not already a member of the Chocolate Works Residents’ Association (CWRA), please go to www.cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is currently free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. At present we have over 200 active members. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify which issues are of most concern to residents.
We are currently liaising with Watson on the performance of the new landscapers as it is taking some time for them to meet the agreed specification. In particular some of the courtyard parking areas have been untouched as are the planted beds at the Co-op car park.
Good news that David Wilson Homes (DWH) has approved the works quoted by Watson to clear, level and turf the area behind Thistle House. This includes additional tree planting across the gap left by the removal of the gates, plus making good and turfing around the border of the Care Home wall. This work is planned for September when weather conditions should be suitable. Recently, you may have noticed the Care Home border opposite Orange House has been dug-up. This is to allow the cabling for two new lampposts to be installed.
The laurel hedge planted at both sides of the Bishopthorpe Road steps has failed due to poor planting and dry weather conditions. The hedge is to be replanted in September with a double row of laurels to allow it to mature more quickly.
Watson are currently obtaining quotes for the planting of a pyracanthus hedge to the inside of the perimeter treeline behind Medallion, Harlequin and Thistle Houses. The quote will also include a three-bar wooden fence 1.2-1.5m high next to the pavement on Bishopthorpe Road to replace the dead laurel hedge.
It has been agreed Watson will arrange for a tree surgeon to tidy-up the boundary undergrowth, trees and shrubs bi-annually. This to be kept under review as it soon becomes overgrown and strays onto the public footpath.
A number of dead trees have been removed by Watson and the plan is to replace them in the autumn when there is the best chance of their survival.
The gravel paths to the meter cupboards to the sides of Cocoa and Harlequin Houses are to be improved with steps to improve safety and to tidy-up the gravel.
Bayldon Square
We are currently investigating the optimum scheme and have arranged to meet with an agricultural specialist to understand which trees and plants are likely to survive in the poor quality earth and wet conditions experienced in heavy rain. Oakbrook has confirmed that the drainage plan recommended should solve the drainage issue.
Timing is critical and we would like to be in a position to carry out any works in autumn 2023 following feedback from residents on the final proposal(s).
Adoption and Home Zone
Unfortunately, we still are waiting a full response from DWH and York City Council on the list of non-conformity issues, despite a number of reminders being sent. Pete Kilbane, one of our local councillors has been most helpful in highlighting these issues with the Council and we hope for a response very soon.
DWH did send a letter with a plan of works to all household in preparation for adoption. However, although the plan was colour coded, there was no key as to detail the scope of this work and when it is likely to be completed. Recently, you may have noticed the top surface of Clock Tower Way has been removed in preparation for re-surfacing. We understand the Council Highways Department will have to sign this work off prior to adoption.
The Council has notified Watson to remove the parking signs from the lampposts as it will hold-up adoption. During the next few weeks the signs will be redeployed onto shared land and will be reduced in number.
The deployment of traffic cones and additional patrolling on race days this year have made a difference. However, we still suffer from the presence of Ubers and minibuses and are taking it up with Watson to establish if we can have patrols later into the evenings.
During a meeting held at the racecourse by the council and police on 4 July, we raised the question of barriers and security personnel at the entrance of the development once the roads have been adopted. Also we asked them to consider the best location for such barriers to allow access to the Co-op store.
Finally we are awaiting the details on the procedure for obtaining the half-price entry tickets for the two September race meetings, and will circulate the information as soon as we can.
We still receive reports of dog owners allowing their dogs to be off lead and in some instances to defecate in the areas where children play without clearing it up. Please be responsible if you are a dog owner and if you see irresponsible behaviour, please report it to Watson.
There are still issues with cars speeding in the development. This happens particularly towards the top of Robert Street and Clock Tower Way where they intersect with Joseph Terry Grove as there are currently no signs or road markings on these cross-roads. Residents have reported near misses and this has been reported to both the Council and DWH without response. We hope that in preparing for adoption of the roads, signage and/or road markings will be installed.
Street Lights
There have been issues with street lights not working or flashing, which we raised with DWH. In response we have been informed the top section of certain street lights have been removed for repair as parts are being sourced from France and are due over the next two weeks. Once arrived, the lights will be repaired and reinstated.
Café and Wine Bar
The Old Liquor Store café and wine bar is scheduled to open during the week of 17 July. A booking system will be going live shortly, with initial opening hours 9am until about 6pm every day except Tuesdays. Then from early September the plan is to add evenings with the possibility of a few special event evenings.
Care Home
The Chocolate Works Care Home has been in contact with us and invited the Committee for coffee and an introduction in September. We hope this will lead to greater community involvement for all, and make the Chocolate Works an even better place to live.
McCarthy Stone Planning Application
The planning application for the 72 apartment site on Bishopthorpe Road opposite the Residence was refused by York City Council on 11 July 2023. The reasons for the refusal can be viewed at https://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=RS1BLDSJKSE00
If you have the time and interest in improving our development, please contact the chair at chair@cwra.co.uk as we would welcome new members. Currently we are looking for a Secretary.