June 2021 Issue No 19
Email: chair@cwra.co.uk
If you are not already a member of the Residents’ Association, please go to cwra.co.uk and click on Join Us. It is free and guarantees you get our Newsletters. We are delighted to say that we have 124 active members currently. Your contributions and feedback are invaluable in helping us identify what issues are of most concern to residents.
Ensuring that the newsletters are timely, and have relevant accurate content, is something of a challenge. Often the content is driven by whether or not David Wilson Homes (DWH) and Watson have actually responded to the many issues repeatedly raised with them. On this occasion we have received some concrete responses to our persistent requests.
Their responses are presented below, without comment from us.
- Landscaping Issues (David Wilson Homes)
- Landscaping Issues (Watson)
- Surfacing of Joseph Terry Grove
- Stonework Carousel House
- Access to Gas Meters – Apartments
- External Lighting – Carousel House
- Modification to Devon House Bin Store
- Roof Survey (DWH)
- Roof Maintenance ( Watson)
- Land South of The Residence
- Licensing for the Co-op (additional Information)
- Electric Charging Points (Orange House)
- Residents’ Parking Scheme – Bishopthorpe Road Area
- The Great British Spring Clean
- Changes to the Committee
- Landscaping Issues (David Wilson Homes)
- Pergola (between Carousel and Medallion House)
DWH have responded to concerns about the persistent leaching and staining from this. They state that the leaching is a natural process which is slowing. They will make good any staining over the next 12 months. Watson have agreed to monitor this over the next few months, in case further remedial action is required.
- Tree Survey
We have repeatedly asked for a copy of the Tree Survey which has been completed, as there are concerns about the condition of trees in various parts of the development. DWH state that they will hand this over to Watson when they hand over the tree belt. This will, inevitably, be one of the last things handed over.
- Trees
We have repeatedly requested replacement trees for the many which we believe are either dead, or dying, in various parts of the development (including, among others, Bayldon Square and Medallion House areas). DWH state that they have seen the trees, and have been informed that they are not dead. They agree to continue monitoring the trees during this growing season, before determining whether any need replacing in November.
- Bayldon Square Grass
We asked DWH to dig up Bayldon Square and replace the grass due to its awful state. This was met with a firm refusal and reminder that Watson have been looking after it for over two years now.
- Other damaged grass areas
We asked that areas of damaged grass should be repaired/replaced. There are many which have suffered due to heavy vehicles driving over them, or due to failure to repair grassed areas after essential works have been carried out. DWH have agreed to this. We will provide them with specific locations.
- Soil Certificate
We asked for a Soil certificate because of problems with Vine Weevil. DWH state that “The ground investigation report only deals with analysis of the chemical content of soils and their structural capabilities. The insects could have come from anywhere but can be treated with insecticide.”
- Chocolate Orange Plaque
Residents of Bayldon Square felt that a plaque identifying the person who created the Chocolate Orange would be a good idea. DWH have agreed and will look into it and cover the cost.
- Bayldon Square – risk of injury to children
Residents have raised concerns about the risk of injury to children on Bayldon Square due to the combination of chasing a ball and speeding traffic. DWH state that children should be supervised.
- Banking at the back of Devon House and Carousel House
We have asked what is going to be done about this area which looks messy since the lights were put in. DWH state “the area in question requires seeding with wild flower mix and these works have been instructed.”
- Boundary – weeds and laurel hedge
We have asked about this, as there are concerns that the laurel is suffering (particularly between the steps to Bishopthorpe Road up towards The Residence. DWH state –“The first weed treatment has been applied and the second took place on the 24th May. As part of these works the contractor will also be clearing anything on the footpaths. I also noted the remains of some of the metal posts on Campleshon Road which I have instructed the team to sort.”
2. Landscaping issues – (Watson)
There is widespread dissatisfaction with the quality of the landscaping currently. Watson are aware of the strength of feeling and the Residents’ Association has had frank dialogue with both Watson and MLS Landscaping.
The job specification for the contractors has been improved upon and made more specific. Also, areas of planting which need to be replaced have been identified and money has been set aside to make the necessary improvements. Also, areas of planting which need to be replaced have been identified and money has been set aside to make the necessary improvements.
Stop Press – Watson have cancelled the contract with MLS, ending 30th June 2021, and appointed a new firm. There is the possibility of a slight hiatus in work during the handover period of June, but we hope to see the beginnings of a much better service.
3. Surfacing of Joseph Terry Grove
This work is scheduled for 4th June 2021.
4. Stonework Carousel House
Repairs to the stone work are scheduled for 17th & 18th June.
5. Access to Gas Meters – Apartments
These are often in heavily planted areas and, consequently, inaccessible. DWH are looking to address the situation by adjusting the landscaping and installing a gravel pathway.
6. External Lighting – Carousel House
Carousel House is the only apartment block without external lighting. DWH state that this is as per the original plan.
7. Modification to Devon House Bin Store
The proposed conversion of this into two separate bin stores is currently on hold pending a review by Yorkshire Housing.
8. Roof Survey (DWH)
The Managing Director of DWH is currently still gathering information prior to determining whether there is a case to answer.
9. Roof Maintenance (Watson)
Watson are planning to incorporate a roof drone survey and gutter maintenance on a bi-annual basis starting in the next financial year.
10. Land South of the Residence
Proposals to build on land south of The Residence have previously been rejected by York Council Planning Department, following a large volume of complaints, including concerns about height and massing.
A new proposal is now being prepared for an Acquired Brain Injuries Unit, currently housed within The Retreat Hospital on Heslington Lane. We expect a Planning Application by the end of June and will continue to monitor the situation. We do know that it is a lower building (one and two storeys) and that there are still concerns relating to the volume of traffic.
11. Licensing for the Co-op
York Council Licensing Sub-Committee met on 24th May. They agreed to the Co-op opening hours and licensing hours from 07.00 – 22.00 every day. This is in keeping with opening and licensing hours for Co-ops nationwide. A number of standard conditions were attached to this agreement, including provision of CCTV, keeping an incident log, ensuring staff training, and complying with any crime reduction initiatives relating to race days.
They rejected requests for reduced licensing hours on race days, as this no longer happens anywhere in York.
12. Electric charging points
DWH have modified their original planning application and now have spaces for 10 electric charging points outside Orange House. This is a complicated change. New electric charging spaces are welcome. However, these will be in Visitor parking spaces. Consequently there are very real concerns that we will end up with a 25% reduction in viable and available Visitor Parking Spaces.
We do not know what solution, if any, is possible but are pushing DWH and the Council to ensure that the original number of Visitor Parking spaces is not reduced.
13. Residents’ Parking Scheme – Bishopthorpe Road area
On 22nd June the Council will be asked to confirm the decision to introduce a ResPark scheme in the following streets;
- Bishopthorpe Road between Southlands Road and Terry’s Mews
- Rectory Gardens (off Bishopthorpe Road)
- Balmoral Terrace
- Albemarle Road (on sections) between Telford Terrace and Brunswick Street.
The section on Bishopthorpe Road, in particular, is likely to affect residents who park vehicles there.
14. The Great British Spring Clean
This is a nationwide initiative designed to encourage people to look after their own neighbourhood. This will take place on Saturday, 5th June 2021 between 10am – noon. Volunteers should meet outside the Sales office at 10am.
15. Changes to the Committee
We are delighted to welcome two new members to the Committee –
* Gary Cole – Harlequin House
* Beki Hagger – Devon House
Gary has been the involved in the Co-op Licensing objection, while Beki is leading on the Great British Spring Clean.
At the same time Mafalda Queiroz, an inaugural member and the current treasurer, has chosen to leave the Committee due to other commitments. She was instrumental in getting the shower room snagging completed, which has led to DWH replacing a large number of faulty shower rooms. And she also was the driving force behind getting the defibrillator installed.