March 2020, Issue No. 11 Email:
Residents Association Committee open meetings
The Residents Association Committee would like to improve its communication. To facilitate this we would like to offer an open forum/drop-in at the end of Committee Meetings, where members can attend and ask questions, make suggestions, and meet the committee. Please feel free to pop over and see us. These meetings will be held at St Clements Working Mens Club, Count de Burgh Terrace (about 5mins walk away) at 8.30 pm on
- 06 April 2020
- 06 July 2020
- 02 November 2020
Planning and Construction Report
This report has been kindly provided by John Stevens and was correct as at 21 January 2020. We thank John for keeping his eye on this for us.
- Block J, Cocoa House (17/02874/FULM) – approved and under construction – Section 106 Agreement still missing. The Construction Environmental Management Plan is in place. 18 apartments with 15 off-street and 3 on-street parking places.
- Block F, Medallion House, almost complete. 37 units.
- Block G, Harlequin House, almost complete. 21
- Block H, east of Joseph Terry Grove – yet to
start. Units not known. For sale.
- Block K (18/1934/FULM – revised scheme), to the
rear of the Care Home, previously known as Block H. An amended plan made a
marginal reduction in height by removing the penthouse floor with its 3
apartments. Approved, subject to a new Section 106 agreement. 34 apartments
plus 35 parking spaces, including electric charging points. A Construction
Environmental Management Plan to be agreed setting out working hours, controls
on noise and dust. All units to be affordable social housing.
- Blocks L and M (18/02329/FULM – revised scheme) –
an amended plan has been approved and the old one withdrawn. Block L has now been
revised back to 12 family houses with off-street parking. Block M now comprises
22 houses with off-street visitor parking spaces. Construction now under way.
- New traffic restrictions in the surrounding
area. Bishopthorpe Road – double yellow lines to be implemented by CYC this
financial year. Also, a number of petitions for Residents-Only Parking
Restrictions to the north and east of our site.
- An application has been submitted for a zebra crossing, or similar, on Bishopthorpe Road where the new pedestrian access from Joseph Terry Grove will shortly open. Pedestrian traffic does not currently warrant a crossing, and the Council does not consider that there is any speeding, but CYC will monitor the situation. We could volunteer to research traffic amounts and speeds with the support of the police.
- Felling of 18 poplar trees to the immediate west of Cocoa House (19/01103/TPO). Part approved. Six trees to be felled; condition of the others to be monitored; replacements to be planted. The Racecourse has now taken this to an appeal – currently in progress.
- York Local Plan. The first public hearing took place in mid December. If the plan is considered ‘robust’ and ‘sound’, there will be a further, more detailed, inspection this Spring.
- Chocolate Works Advertising Hoarding Fronting Bishopthorpe Road (19/01156/ADV0) extended to March 2024. Following submission of revised plans, the application was approved. NB. The remaining length of hoarding, along Campleshon Road, is scheduled to be removed in January.
- Terry Avenue Flood Defence Works (19/00570/FUL) – could be of interest to residents who walk or cycle into town. There are full details on the Environment Agency’s site At present CYC is considering an alternative construction method, known as ‘ground grouting’. If this proves viable, there will be far less disruption to walkers and cyclists.
- Construction work has recommenced on the Clock Tower and Boiler House. Conversion to 22 apartments.
- The Liquor Store has been made ready for use and is being marketed for restaurant/café and deli/retail use.
- CWRA has been in discussion with Angela Blackwood, CYC officer responsible for sustainable transport. See separate report.
- The Residents’ Assocation has submitted an objection to plans for further properties on Land South of the Residence for 90 apartments and seven town houses. If you are (among other things) concerned about the heritage of the factory, or traffic in the area go to / (Planning No. 18/02582/FULM) to register your concerns before 18th May. There have also been objections from the National Trust, the Racecourse, CYC Highways, CYC Conservation and York Civic Trust.
Estate Management
Reminder: Watson, the Property Management Company is holding a meeting for ALL residents on 26th March at 6pm in St Chad’s Church Hall.
This is an opportunity to catch up with what’s happening on the development and to ask questions.
- Watson’s have confirmed they wish to complete the planting on Bayldon Square with plants ordered, with a £500 contribution from DWH. It just awaits better weather.
- The trees on Bayldon Square are to be replaced by DWH landscapers in the spring.
- A light above the defibrillator has been agreed by DWH and awaits installation.
- We are liaising with Watson’s on the poor condition of landscaping being handed over to them by DWH.
- We have brought Watson’s attention to breaches in leases around the development to include washing being dried on balconies, BBQs on balconies, cycles being left out in gardens and For Sale notices being displayed.
- We are keeping on top of DWH and Watson’s on estate snagging including the replacement of dead planting, paint spillages, loose block work in parking areas and collection of rubbish.
- We have been requested by Watson’s to review the need for a concierge.
- Watson’s are consulting with us on the specification and scope of works for maintenance for the period 2020/21. This will directly affect our Management fee.
- We are arranging meetings with all parties to agree the best way to take forward the adotion of the roads by the City Council and to ensure all residents have their input.
We are currently looking for volunteers to help Steve with Estate Management from the apartment blocks, Joseph Terry Grove and Clock Tower Way. If you are interested in getting involved please email: We’d love to hear from you!
Forthcoming Events
Great news. The racecourse has invited 50 residents from each of the Chocolate Works and also the Residence to an evening tour on Thursday 23 April 2020 from 6.30pm-9pm in the Parade Ring Restaurant, to include light refreshments. This event should prove popular and is at no cost to the residents. More details will follow shortly on how to apply for a place.
The Sales Office is in the early stages of planning in conjunction with residents a VE Day (8th May) event for the development. More details to follow.
Social Groups/Events
Yorkuleles at the Knavesmire
What an enjoyable evening this was. The Yorkuleles provided excellent entertainment with an original mix of songs performed with skill and gusto. I would not have expected some of the selections to work well with a ukulele band but what do I know? Thanks to imaginative arrangements, they all absolutely did. At times, some members of the audience were dancing in the aisles. Unfortunately the evening was brought to a slightly premature end because a member of the band became unwell, but thankfully he apparently made a swift recovery. Thanks are due to the organisers, the band, the Knavesmire pub for providing a free venue, raffle prize donors and to all who supported the event by purchasing tickets and turning up. The result was that a very worthwhile sum was raised for The Samaritans.
Helen Shoesmith
Wider Community
Living North Live – York Racecourse
Yorkshire’s biggest homes, gardens, shopping, food & lifestyle exhibition. York Racecourse 20-22 March 2020. More details at
Flying Scotsman at the Railway Museum
For the only time this year, Flying Scotsman is back on display in York at the National Railway Museum. Get up close to the well-travelled loco and marvel at the engineering details of this magnificent engine, designed by the renowned Sir Nigel Gresley. A special platform allows access to the cab for everyone, including wheelchair users and little ones in pushchairs. Open 1 April – 21 April 2020 from 10am to 6pm
Local Book – Shadows in the Bricks
If you are interested in local history you may be interested in the latest publication by Clements Hall Local History Group. At 114 pages it is a history of the old shops of South Bank (an area defined here as running from Southlands Avenue to The Residence and across to Albemarle Road.) The book is advertised on the Clements Hall Website – shadows in the bricks And is for sale at Fred’s Bakery, The Winning Post, Tranquil Hair and Beauty, The Corner Barbershop, Tower Vets, Pextons, Frankie and Johnny’s Cookshop and Cameron Beaumont Opticians.
The CWRA – Contact Us – Subscribe to our Newsletter
If you’re not yet a member of the CWRA but would like to join us please see our Membership page. New members always welcome!