October 2019

October 2019, Issue No. 8    Email: chocworksra@gmail.com

Report From AGM

Monday 14th October 2019
The first Annual AGM of the Residents Association was held on 14th October 2019, in combination with the first annual meeting with Watson, The Property Agent.
A report of the activities of the residents Association was given  and Watson were asked questions about parking enforcement, the gardens, and access to Watson accounts (details of both are available in the recently circulated minutes).
There were 47 attendees which was gratifying and indicated interest in the activities of both groups.
The next AGM will be booked for October 2020. However, the acoustics were such in the church, that we shall probably be looking for a venue where it is more possible that all attendees can hear the whole proceedings.
Many thanks to all who attended, and for the post meeting feedback, which has been very positive.

Minutes for the AGM are available to view on our website: AGM Minutes

Defibrillator Update

Great news! The Defibrillator has been installed next to our Noticeboard and Mafalda is currently organising a training course on how to use it. Details to be confirmed in the near future.

Parking at Sales Office

We would like to remind residents about the arrangements for parking outside the Sales Office. These spaces are for sales staff and prospective purchasers only.
We have been granted access to these spaces outside working hours (6pm – 8am) with the proviso that the space is then vacated. Please adhere to these times as we do not want to lose this additional resource and have it come under the parking enforcement scheme.

Social Groups/Events

Please see website for full details:  Social Groups

Christmas Carols on Bayldon Square – Sunday 15th December, 5.30pm

Please join us on the square on Sunday 15th December at 5.30pm for mulled wine, mulled cider, mince pies and carol singing. The choir from St Chad’s are coming at 6pm to lead the singing again this year. We kindly ask you to bring some money with you – there will be a small donation to cover drinks/mince pies. A lovely festive event for all the family!

This Christmas we wish to support Carecent – a local homeless charity – by collecting donations of food, clothing (good quality), and toiletries. We will provide more details in the November newsletter about how we plan to collect any donations you may want to give.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 29th February 2020

We are busy planning a fundraising event for the evening of Saturday 29th February. We are lucky to have booked the wonderful local ukulele group, The Yorkuleles, to provide entertainment for us. It promises to be a fun filled evening so please put the date in your diary. Venue and details TBC.

What’s Going On – Wider Community

Members of the Clements Hall Local History Group have been researching the area’s extensive industrial past – chemical manure works, confectionery works, thread mills, glassworks, shipyard and more. Please see the History Group’s website if you’re interested in reading about the area’s fascinating history: Clementhorpe, York: Over 200 years of work and industry

The Chocolate Works Residents Association