October 2024

Autumn Newsletter, October 2024

Summer has gone, we are beginning to turn on our heating, and Christmas is now visible on the horizon. Which means that it is the ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’. And time for an update …

CWRA Open Meeting (please note the new date, 13 November)
It is approximately six months since we last had an opportunity for all members to meet. Therefore, the Committee would like to invite you all to an open meeting to be held on Wednesday 13 November at 19.30 in St Chad’s Church Hall. I hope to see as many of you as possible. Key items on the agenda are

  • General update
  • Resolution of outstanding snagging issues
  • Handover/management company
  • Parking
  • Developing interaction between the Management Committee and CWRA members
  • Update on meetings with Watson Property Management (Watson PM).

If you have any other issues that you wish to be discussed, please send them to chair@cwra.co.uk by the end of October. A formal agenda and papers will be sent out at the beginning of November.

Many thanks to those who responded to the survey sent out by Joe Langan on our behalf. There have been over fifty replies. The replies will be subject to analysis and key results discussed at the open meeting.

CWRA Committee Meeting
We held our autumn Committee Meeting recently. Please click here to read the approved minutes of the summer Committee Meeting in pdf format.

Bishopthorpe Road steps
You will recall that the Committee heard reports of two accidents occurring on the Bishopthorpe Road steps. I asked Joe Langan of Watson PM to have the safety of the stairs assessed and he did so. There is an issue as to whether or not the steps comply with building regulations. We are following this up with Watson PM, David Wilson Homes and City of York Council Building Control. We will keep you posted.

Hallmark House
There has been a problem with the electricity meter at Hallmark House for a prolonged period resulting in significant over charges to Hallmark House residents of up to £8,000. It is understood that this situation has lasted for over two years despite the endeavours of Hallmark House residents. You may  recall that this was raised by Hallmark House residents at this year’s AGM.

It has taken a lot of energy to get Watson PM to resolve the issue. If the CWRA hadn’t picked this up there is no doubt in my mind that the situation would remain unresolved. But success is on the horizon. Daniel Carrick, a Director of Watson PM, has assumed responsibility for this issue and has informed us that he expects Hallmark Residents to receive refunds by the end of October. We shall see …

Thistle House
The saga that is the story of the fence at the back of Thistle House continues. Watson PM’s planning application was rejected by City of York Council. Watson PM are aware of the need for some form of barrier to prevent people cutting through on that part of the estate very close to residents’ windows. Again, an update will be provided at the open meeting.