This group monitors any planning proposals or applications that affect the whole or part of the Terry’s site. Where appropriate we will draft letters of support or objection. We also monitor construction activity to try to ensure that the agreed standards are adhered to. When necessary we will bring problems to the attention of the developers and/or the City Council’s planning enforcement officers.
We also monitor the use of Section 106 funds. These are paid by the developers to the City Council in order to enhance local services and facilities.
Local transport is also one of the group’s concerns. This includes provision for pedestrians, cyclists, road safety, traffic in the surrounding streets and the operation of local bus services. Parking on the Terry’s site itself is looked after by a separate group.
- The Planning and Transport Group has produced a statement of Planning and Transport Values which can be viewed as a pdf document.
- Also, the “final” plan of the site is available as the Final Plan of works. Please note this is the current “final” site plan and could be subject to change by DWH.
- Finally, John Stevens has written an informative report on his meeting with CYC Sustainable Transport Officer, Angela Blackwood, and can be viewed as a pdf document.
Significant Current Planning Applications18/02582/FULM (Land South of the Residence) Click here if you wish to search York City Council’s Planning Portal
A few progress photos taken by John Stevens from around The Chocolate Works site